Chapter 15

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Karma's Pov

I wake up on the ground on my side and my hands tied behind my back. My vision Focuses and I try my best to look around. "Karma..?" I hear a Familiar Voice behind me. "A-asano?.." I roll over on the other side and see Asano tied up as well but his face is all bruised up. "hey.. you alright?"
He asks me. "Am I alright?What about you?!" I question him. "I'm fine Nothing new."

"Ugh well this is your fault anyway." I roll my eyes. "My fault? How was this my fault you're the one who got us into this mess Akabane."

"You shouldn't have followed me then!" I turn away from him. "Well next time don't run off then and I wouldn't have to"

"Whatever.. do you know where we are?" I ask him with my back turned from him. "No but we are underground if that helps." "very helpful idiot"

"Hey you wanted to know where we are!" Asano yells at me. "Oh shut up" I try sitting up from the ground and I go over to one of the side walls and lean against it. I look over to Asano and see him also getting up and leaning against the back wall. "So... how long do you think we've been here?"
I say staring down at my lap.
"Probably just a day."

"Oh.. well it feels like we've been here for more than a day"
I look up at Asano. "I guess so"
He says back to me.
"seems like you two are both finally awake." Asano and I both look over to where the voice came from and see a guy standing in the doorway.
"You can relax I ain't gonna hurt you" I look away from the guy and towards Asano. "How can we relax if we're both tied up and held hostage against our will." Asano says.

"Understandable but you both wouldn't listen so we had to do it the hard way." The guy comes closer to me. "You're also valuable." He gets down on one knee Infront of me. "Such pretty eyes.. you have." He goes and puts his hand up to my face and I back away from him. "no need to be scared" I look away from him.

"Leave him alone" Asano says to the guy as he unties my hands and stands up and goes over to him. "Don't worry you're valuable as much as him." Asano looked up at the guy standing over him with disgust. "Anyways don't expect to get out of here. You do? And I'll kill you, you got that?." Asano nods his head and the man unties his hands as well and goes to leave out of the empty room.

Once He leaves Asano stands up and walks over to me and sits next to me. "You okay?" He asks me and I nod. "Don't worry I won't let anyone touch you alright?" I let out a giggle. "Well aren't you charming. I appreciate it but I can handle myself." He sighs. "We aren't at School Karma this is different."
I scoff "I know it's different."

"I just don't need you to help me with my problems." I look away from him. "Ugh while we are here can't we just get along?" "No you're Annoying."
He punches my shoulder. "yeah? well so are you."

After 15 minutes of silence
"I've been wondering... why did you run away?" Asano asks me.
"I.. I don't know.. I just" I look down at my lap. "I was afraid.."
"Afraid of what?" "These two girls came up to me and asked me some questions I wasn't comfortable with." I look up from my lap and look at the wall across from us. "what kind of questions?" he asks me.
"questions about my parents.. and who I like." I face towards him and look into his eyes. "Why would that matter?"

"Because.. I.. I like this guy..." He looks right back into my eyes. "okay? and.. you can love whoever you want.. I don't see the problem." He looks away from me. "but I-" I get interrupted by the metal door opening. The guy from earlier comes in. "both of you Follow me and don't even think about trying to escape." Asano and I both stand up and follow the man outside of the room into this big and long hallway. men wearing all black with a gun in their hands are all lined up on both sides of the hallway. We walk into this office like room
and see 2 different guys wearing Black suits. "Alright Here they are.. take your pick"

The end, I will make a part 2

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