chapter 2

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Charlotte returned to her office at the insurance company and angrily threw Yami store file on the table .
"What's going on Charlotte, why do you look so upset?" Charlotte heard Dorothy  voice .
She grabbed Yami file and gave it to her and told her what happened and muttered, "I can't believe I'm going to pretend that this loser and idiot is my boyfriend " .

"So? That good , your family will hate him and and refuse Your affair with him, and On the other hand you  will insist you marry him or you never marry any one else, then they will accept your choice not to marry and stop bothering you for the rest of your life."
Charlotte looked at Dorothy and smiled, she was completely like  the idea


Back in Yami, he's forced to go with mereoleona and Julius To visit the girl next door، This area used to belong to the government, most of whom lived in joint families ، They have problems Or they don't have someone to live with ، they was gathered together in this neighborhood . 
So for Vanessa family, getting engaged to someone like Yami is an irreplaceable opportunity, He owns a store and has a good source of income .

for Yami, Vanessa was his childhood friend and he knows her very well , and she  remains a citizen of this country, and his marriage to her means he will stay in Country without fear of being expelled ، so Marrying her wouldn't be a problem .
Vanessa too had a dream of becoming a fashion designer not of getting married, but living here made her dream difficult , And Yami was her best friend, and marrying him was better than anyone else .

They are sitting at Vanessa house  And her parents  had heard of Yami shop being robbed, and they were afraid he would be unemployed.
Yami He didn't want to miss this opportunity And tell them that there is no need to worry because he has secured the shop against robbed and will take security deposit , which made Vanessa parents calm down.
Then a short girl came with a cake She was relative to Vanessa and lives with them in the same house.
when everyone else got busy Eating cake, Yami moved away from them a little and called Charlotte and asked her home address to come to dinner .


The next evening, Yami arrived at Charlotte house.
He got out of the taxi ، and looked in astonishment at a house ، it seemed to be to Rich family , And he looked at himself, he was wearing jeans and a white shirt, slightly open from the top he feel out of place
He rang the doorbell and Charlotte brought him into the house And  introduced her family to  him .
" My father Arthur roselei, my mother Melissa,  my brother luck , my little sister Suzy" .

They sat down to dinner, luck was Charlotte younger brother who loved Yami and whole time he stuck next to him، Which annoyed Yami.
"Yami, why don't you tell us about yourself and your family," Charlotte father asked.
" I own a small coffee and pastry shop in a city, and my parents died when I was young, and since I'm a foreigner so as not to be expelled from country, I live in joint families in a government-owned" .

The dinner was quiet for a while Yami tried to talk to the little girl to break the silence .
"How old are you, little girl?"
" Do I look little to you? I'm 8, monster". The girl replied arrogantly
Yami smiled reluctantly That girl tongue was stinging ، So he pretended he didn't hear anything and got up and  took a cup of juice ، but From nervousness, he poured juice and wet his shirt .

He went and washed his hand and his shirt in the bathroom, and he mumbles " that there is a child with a sharp tongue like that girl They were a strange family" , when he came out of the bathroom he passed by the kitchen ,  he saw a short girl coming out of there, There was a look of shock on his face when he realized that it was charmy Vanessa relative  .
“What are you doing here?” Yami asked nervously, afraid she would reveal him And tell Vanessa
"I work here, what about you?" Charmy replied
Yami stammered as he tried to find an escape .
" Don't tell me you're Suzy dance instructor." Charmy wondered .
" That's right I am ، I have to go she's waiting for me " Yami and replied and walk away .

And when he returned to the living room and tea and sweets were brought, and whenever charmy came to serve food, Yami got up and started pretending to dance and perform strange movements .
Charlotte didn't understand why Yami was acting crazy , but she was happy , it looks like it's going to be easier than she think, especially from Yami social situation And this is crazy behavior. which her family did not accept.

Yami left the house and Charlotte went to say goodbye, she closed the door and took a deep breath to return to face her family , As she planned with Dorothy .
When she came back inside and confronted her family,
"I know Yami isn't up to your expectations, but I like him and I wouldn't settle for anyone else." Charlotte started acting in front of her family.

"What are you talking about Charlotte, I loved him, he's a reliable person and he started from zero And now he has his own business, congratulations my daughter" Arthur said with a smile

“You surprised me with your flair my baby, His muscles were visible through his shirt, he looked hot well done choice" Charlotte mother wink at her daughter .
" He look strong, I loved him , Do you think he will accept to train with me to fight? I will call him My brother Yami  from now on" Luck said excitedly .

" You have to invite him again, arrange a date with him Charlotte," Charlotte heard her father.
There was a silly smile on Charlotte face with shock, she couldn't believe her parents who don't like anyone liked Yami! She is in big trouble.

The next day, Charlotte went to Yami store and told him what had happened , and  he should continue to act as her boyfriend, And he behaves in the worst way until her parents hate him .
"We didn't agree on this miss , I have a girl and I'm going to marry her , Don't ruin my life."
" Listen carefully young man , Either you do this, or I write in my report  you were negligent and left the door of the store open and you will not receive any compensation” , Charlotte said nervously.
Yami gritted his teeth,  looks like this girl knows how to take advantage of his weakness point.

To be continued....

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