chapter 10

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In the beauty salon, Vanessa managed to slip through the back door and escape, and hid behind a truck when she saw her relatives looking for her when they know that she also ran away.
" Are you looking for something, miss?" Vanessa heard a young man voice and looked at him, He was a brown-haired  with a green lock of his hair, But she sensed someone approaching so she pulled the young man and made him hide behind a truck with her .

That young man was looking at her surprised by what was happening .
Vanessa noticed his looks so she gave him a killer look .
"If you tell me your story, I might help you to escape "that young man asked ، Vanessa sighed and decided to tell him before he gets attention .
"Well, I was supposed to get married today, but I wanted to fulfill my dream of becoming a designer and to participate in a competition scheduled today, so Me and my fiancé decided to cancel the wedding, But my mom didn't like it ,And now everyone run after me" .

"Do you really design clothes?" young man asked.
Vanessa looked at him angrily And she points to her dress, "Of course I designed this dress."
The young man looked in admiration at the dress.
"Wow, well I'll help you escape, but you're coming with me to show my partners the design of your dress."
Vanessa looked suspiciously at the young man, but there was no objection, so she nodded .

That young man got out of his place when a man approached the truck and asked him if he saw a girl
" You mean a girl wearing a wedding dress? No, I didn't see her " The young man answered ، And when the man was about to attack him,
"I'm sorry I was joking, she went from there", and pointed to the opposite area And that man ran in that direction .
Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief as the man turned away.

"Shall we go then, miss?" the young man asked.
"But I should catch up with the contest, maybe after I'm done." Vanessa said as she put her hands together in hope .
But suddenly a girl came calling for the young man standing with her.
" Mr. Finral, they are waiting for you to complete the competition.”
"Finral?" Vanessa muttered ، Could it be that the names are similar?
" By the way, I won't introduce myself. I'm Finral Roulacase, owner of the Roulacase Fashion Design Company ' the young man said with a gentle smile as he pointed to the store behind them.
Vanessa opened her mouth in shock, she was so nervous that she didn't realize that the competition venue company was near the beauty salon. And she met the owner by chance! .

" Miss, did you tell them inside that I'm coming with a creative designer?"  Finral said, extending his hand to Vanessa , She smiled and grabbed his hand and walked into the store..

At the airport, Suzy was waiting in the car for her brother and Yami to return from inside the airport ، But they went out after a few moments alone.
" Where's Charlotte?" She asked nervously, after they sitting in a car .
" Unfortunately, the plane took off and we didn't catch her" Luck replied in a sad tone .
"What!, what am I going to do with the dance competition, she were supposed to be my assistant ."  Suzy said frightened .

"Don't worry, I'll be your assistant and help you in train," Yami said, putting his hand on Suzy hair and caressing her.
" you ? I'm dead now" Suzy replied with a frown .
"Listen little girl, I'm good at dancing, and we're going to win the competition" Yami answered with a smile 
, He may not have been able to talk to Charlotte or get her back , but he loved them as his family and would help them, and he would wait until Charlotte came back or he would go to her himself.

A 3 week later, on the day of the competition, Suzy was  on stage perform her dance with Yami help .
In addition to Vanessa, her family attended the competition .
suddenly in the middle of the dance, Vanessa felt someone sitting next to her .
"Sister, I was sure you'd come," luck said , hugging Charlotte from behind .
  " I wouldn't waste an important day for my younger sister, and lower your voice, let's watch her."  Charlotte replied, placing a finger on luck mouth .
And she looked at Vanessa, who gave her a friendly smile .

Charlotte was standing with Vanessa after the show ended and Suzy won and was receiving her prize.
" Sorry for not attending your wedding" , Charlotte said while she looking at Vanessa fingers but didn't see any ring, which aroused her curiosity.
" No need to apologize, because there was no wedding," Vanessa replied with a smile .
" What!" Charlotte said in Surprise
" Sorry Yami asked me not to tell you this, he wanted to talk to you at first, I don't know how adults think," luck said  as he put his hand behind his head.

Charlotte looked at the stage where Yami and Suzy were standing.
"You should go and talk to him, before anyone beats you, I heard the music teacher liked him,"  Vanessa whispered to Charlotte whose face turned red.
At that moment, a brown-haired young man waved to Vanessa .
" I have to go, I work as a designer at Roulacase fashion company، and I guess I found my dreams man " Vanessa winked at Charlotte and walked towards Finral with smiling.
Charlotte admired Vanessa courage and ability to admit her feelings So she must be strong.
So she took a breath and walked over to Yami and Suzy who jumped up and hugged her sister ، and went to her parents to show them her prize
" Glad you were able to come." Yami try to start talking .
" I couldn't stand her anger," Charlotte replied .

There was a moment of silence, neither of them knew how to start talking  .
Charlotte decided, "I'm sorry things didn't end well with Vanessa." .
"It's okay, we shouldn't have been engaged from the beginning" Yami replied, He was hesitant at first to talk about his feelings for her now , What if she don't feel the same way about him?, It was an important day for the Charlotte family, he don't want spoil it , So he decided to postpone the conversation.

"I have to go, I think you have a family moment" Yami replied with a little shyness And he's referring to the Charlotte family that's waiting for her .
Charlotte rolled her eyes It seems that he is too stupid to realize her feelings, and that he has long since become part of this family.
So she grabbed his neck and pulled him towards her and kissed him  .
Yami opened his eyes in disbelief that Charlotte kissed him , but he kissed her back, When they broke up he looked at her, he knew what this kiss meant, but he wanted to hear it from her .

"  So what does this kiss mean? " .
" idiot, i love you "  Charlotte Whisper.
" And I love you too, Charlotte." Yami replied and wanted to kiss her, but Suzy voice stopped him.
" Eww , Don't do this at school, we have to take a picture together."
Yami and Charlotte laughed shyly and headed towards everyone to take a group photo .

The end.

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