chapter 3

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Yami was sitting outside a shop in the mall, waiting for Vanessa to finish buying what she need.
He sighed as he moved the ring on his finger, he still couldn't believe he had made this a move, and get engaged to Vanessa.

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice calling his name, he raised his head to see who he was calling him.
He shocked when he see luck heading towards him .
Yami panicked and looked inside the store to make sure Vanessa was still inside ، He didn't want them to see each other, and descover the plan he made with Charlotte , And therefore he wouldn't get the insurance money.
So he tried to get rid of luck who was stuck to him , And notice the ring Yami is wearing.

" Did you two get engaged!, When do you are  planning to tell us?  I'm so excited to find it out.” 
Yami didn't know what to say to him, Vanessa was going out of the shop, He had to make luck leave from here
" That's right, we wanted to surprise everyone, but don't tell anyone now, get out of here," yami said And it pushes luck away .
"depend on me, I'm a keeper of secrets, I won't tell anyone." Luck replied with a smile and walked away from the place
Yami breathed when he left.

But only 5 minutes later yami got a call from Charlotte, who was looking very angry .
" Can you explain why you told my brother we are engaged? Everyone in My family knows about this, and now my father wants you to go to play golf with him.”
" I was with my fiancée, I didn't want to spoil it, that was the only way to get him out of a place." Yami tried to calm down Charlotte who seemed to want to get off the phone to choke him.
" So fix your mistake, you'll go golf with my dad in the afternoon," Charlotte yelled and hung up.
Yami passed his hand on His face, looks like he's implicated himself .


In the afternoon Yami was looking at the great green meadow, There was a cart with golf equipment in it .
Charlotte father pulled out a golf stick and handed it to Yami, who was looking at it and wondering how to use it .

Charlotte father put a small ball on the  ground and he hit the ball  ، it flew away towards a hole but didn't fall into it.
Arthur got into a cart and headed towards the ball, Yami didn't know what to do so he did what Charlotte dad did and put a ball in the ground  And get ready to hit it.
But luck was on his side and he was talking excitedly about getting his limited driver licence, since he was 17 He will be allowed to drive but with an adult .

"It's good for you." Yami tried to focus with the shot But due to his inexperience and the trouble of luck, he threw it too hard and it was low, unfortunately Charlotte dad was standing in her way when he heard luck sound , He looked at him and was surprised by the ball, he couldn't move Which made the ball hit him with its force in a sensitive area , which made Charlotte father faint in pain .


Charlotte father was taken to a hospital, where Charlotte came quickly when she heard what had happened , And stood with Yami outside her father room .
" I told you to make him hate you, not kill him," Charlotte said angrily, staring at  yami
" It's all because of your brother, he betrayed me, and now your father has good reason to hate me , I've done my job and I have to go back to my life," Yami said impatiently, and turned around to leave .
But he was stopped by the voice of Charlotte father calling him in the room

Yami and Charlotte entered the room, and Yami was hesitant when Arthur signaled him to come closer 
"I'm sorry son, for making you go through this , You must have been so extraordinary that you hurt me , Don't feel guilt that it was because of me ، I should have told you how to play golf before we started.".

Charlotte felt like she was going to suffocate when she heard her father words .
"I'm sorry, sir" That's what Yami was able to say before he walked out of the room wondering what this strange family is .

To be continued......

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