chapter 4

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Yami went with Vanessa and they booked Beauty center  for their wedding day .
Vanessa was outside waiting for Yami to finish the deal with the owner .
Vanessa was looking at a fashion house that was in front of Beauty center.
She sighed as she remembered her dream of becoming a fashion designer .

"What's going on?" She heard Yami voice
"I'm sorry, I know it wasn't necessary to book here because it's expensive, but my mom insisted.".
"It's okay, I'll receive insurance money soon." Yami replied.
“Then I will design my wedding dress myself and I will not accept anything you have to say,” said Vanessa insistently .
Yami nodded and smiled as he remembered Vanessa had been fond of design for a long time , Perhaps this marriage will be annulled Her dreams, not really knowing if this is the right move for both of them or not ، Especially if he receives insurance money, there will be no need for this marriage, But he didn't hurt Vanessa feelings.

After they left  , he called Charlotte to ask when she would finish the insurance papers because he needed the money .
She replied  she was in her younger sister school and asked him to come there .
Yami went to Suzy school , Charlotte was standing with her sister who was wearing a dance costume , And there was a man and a little girl , Charlotte seemed to be arguing with him.
When he got close, he heard something about their conversation about that man daughter will win the dance competition again.

He didn't like that man pretentious way , He stood beside Charlotte, hoping he would scare him off
"Your daughter will never win again, because Suzy will win this year ، And I will train her ".
Charlotte blinked while hearing Yami words , She was angry at what that man said he hurt her sister,And she was still a child.
  she wanted to defend her, but she didn't expect Yami to come to defend her, she was never used to anyone standing by her side, she used to do everything Alone, having someone next to her was a strange.
  she decided to keep up with him And  answered with confidence 
"That's right, you'll see who wins in the end."

Yami and Charlotte behavior angered the man and felt a little afraid of Yami, so he withdrew with his daughter.
Yami and Charlotte smiled at their victory until they heard Suzy voice
" What have you done idiots!! "
“What ?! , we want to support you?” Charlotte replied
" Support me or destroy me? You don't stay at school all day! This girl will win, as always And she'll make sure to insult me ​​every day because of you." Suzy yelled at them and left them .

" Is she always this scary?” Yami muttered
" you didn't see anything" Charlotte replied .
"It seems to be something that runs in the family." Yami could say before receiving murderous looks from Charlotte.

" Now to get back to our topic, I found the perfect plan that will make my parents hate you and end this farce, My mom is going to have an exhibition of the statues she made, I want you to come over and act stupid and break some of them , So she will hate you and have to break up with you.” Charlotte said in a nutshell .

"And if I do this, will I get the insurance money, or will you ask for something else?"  Yami asked.
"It will definitely be the last, My mother loves these statues so much." Charlotte answered .
" Deal " Yami answered and took details from Charlotte .

To be continued......

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