chapter 9

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Yami was traumatized by what happened so he decided to go to his store to pick up his thoughts before going to his wedding.
While he was drinking a glass of wine, he heard Grey voice as he entered the shop .
"Are you still here?"
"I'm leaving soon, how about you?" Yami asked .
“I came to get my keys that I forgot”. Grey said as she picked up her keys and saw the fashion competition announcement sheet on the table. Which Vanessa already left there.

" It's a pity that Vanessa won't participate in this competition, I was sure she would win." Grey muttered
" Competition? "Yami raised an eyebrow when the memory came to his mind How did he forget that Vanessa asked him to postpone the wedding so that she could participate in the competition.
He cared about the store insurance story and Charlotte forgot about it ,
It was Vanessa dream for a long time and he forgot it ,  he wasn't with her and she will lose her chance ،
He biting his lip , He was so selfish , he was using marriage to stay in this country, maybe Vanessa could benefit from a marriage , But to lose her dream For someone she doesn't love! .
So he decided to stand by her side and help her achieve her dream.
He took the announcement from Grey hand and went to the beauty salon .

It was afternoon, Vanessa put on her wedding dress and was looking at the mirror with regret And try to forget about the competition ، Her mother and mereoleona had gone out To bring some of their relatives to  Taking the bride to the wedding hall  which allowed her to have a moment of inner peace with herself .
Suddenly she heard a sound coming From outside, and she recognized the owner of the voice .

" Yami, what are you doing here?، The groom should not see the bride before a wedding party " Vanessa asked after she came out of the room .
"We should talk," Yami said seriously .
" Fine, Make it quick, I have to do my hair." Vanessa replied as she pulled Yami into the room And I closed the door .
"  Why didn't you remind me of the fashion competition? " Yami asked .
"It's not important, forget about it," Vanessa answer .
"Isn't it important? , this is your forever dream! , How could it not be important! ,Vanessa Seriously why would you prefer marry me to catching up with your dream? " , Yami asked Vanessa as he approached her, .
"  I don't know,I think This is my destiny, I have to stop these stupid dreams, i probably won't win If i go, and you're a nice guy And I will have a good life with you "
Vanessa said in a low voice.

"  How do you not trust yourself and your talent?! You should know what you really want and do it, not marry me because I'm just a nice guy!, Vanessa I will support your decision no matter what is it"  Yami said as he put his hands on Vanessa's shoulder and looked at her sincerely .
Vanessa looked at him hesitantly as she thought, she was afraid of catching up with her dream, she was afraid of losing , So she decided to take the easy way out And decided to marry Yami to get out of the place she live in , but will she really bear the regret for the rest of her life that she didn't follow her dream?!.
Yami was right, she should pursue her dream no matter what the results are , So she smiled at Yami ، He made her realize what she was hiding deep down, so she decided to return the favor to him , And  open his eyes to the truth he is trying to hide even from himself .

" You're right , I want to become a fashion designer , and I want to run from here after my dream, but what about you? Will you keep running away from yourself?" Vanessa asked with a sly smile .
"What about me? I'm not hiding anything." Yami said nervously as he turned away from Vanessa.
" Won't you hide something like  your feeling about blonde girl?  " ، Vanessa crossed her arms in front of her and looked at Yami , It was really fun to look at and see him shyly trying to hide it.
"No, There is nothing between us, Frankly, she is not my relative and she asked for my help with something, but in the end I found out that she was use me " Yami replied in a sad voice  .

"Are you sure? Did you ask her about it? Yami don't try to hide your feelings you love her, the way you've been looking at her I never see you look at a girl like that before even me , your eyes were smiling ,Don't lie to yourself, go catch her and talk together, love only comes once in your life" Vanessa said with a warm smile.
Yami looked away, trying to avoid her gaze, Vanessa discovered what he was trying to bury inside him , He really loved Charlotte, that's why it hurt knowing that she might have used him , But what if she didn't know what was happening around her, then he would lose her for nothing .

"Now the important question is, how are we going to get out of here? My mother will be back soon." Vanessa voice got Yami out of his thoughts .
" Leave it to me, I'll distract them while you're running away" Yami replied and left the room before Vanessa objected.
He's the one who put her in this mess and he'll get her out of it .
Outside, Vanessa mother was arguing with the owner of the salon for letting yami see the bride, and mereoleona and Charmy were trying to calm her down , And there were a number of her relatives.

He took a breath and approached them  and Vanessa mother started arguing with him .
The salon owner kicked them out Which made a quarrel move outside .
" Can you please shut up a bit, there is something I have to tell you,” Yami shouted
Everyone paused for a moment, looked at them and took a breath before say it.
“There will be no wedding , We have decided to cancel the wedding.” mereoleona opened her mouth in shock And Vanessa mother almost had a heart attack and fainted, then Yami decided to run , a number of Vanessa relatives followed him .

he felt for a moment they would catch him, before a car appeared and he saw luck in it asking him to ride  .
Yami had no choice but to get into the car and luck began to drive the car quickly away from the place .
“What are you doing here? And are you allowed to drive?” , Yami asked looking at luck and Suzy who was sitting in the back seat .
" I went to your house and they told me I will find you here, and since I am with an adult I can drive a car." Luck answered while laughing .

"Stop it, we have to catch my sister," Suzy shouted .
" Charlotte?, where she going?" Yami asked worriedly .
"None of us knew about my grandmother will except my parents, which angered Charlotte and made her accept the offer of work in another town, and she was leaving in an hour." luck said and he increases the speed of car .
Yami tried to gather his thoughts , He would be in trouble if the police stopped him because he allowed a 16-year-old to drive recklessly , But now he has to catch up with Charlotte .

to be continued.....

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