Episode 43: Fairy Maiden Versus Fairy Shrew

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Lykha the fairy is young and naive, as all fairies typically are when they leave their safe haven villages far out of reach of the other races of the world. However, unlike the Lykha of almost a year ago, she has survived many harrowing experiences with a close group of friends.

During their travels, though, Mury fell ill with a seemingly-incurable disease. Fortunately, they were able to find a fairy sage who claimed to possess the cure.

That part is the truth.

However, Yanari, the fairy sage that now could pass for a younger sister to Lykha thanks to a wish the sage manipulated out of another fairy, is not a wise old soul offering wisdom and philanthropy. She is a wicked and selfish fairy, perfectly content stealing wishes from other fairies, either through manipulation or hypnosis.

Yanari is still coughing from the teargas attack Lykha managed to use to defend herself from the sage's lightning, and the sage casts a gust spell to blow the teargas around. She also casts a greater healing spell on herself, relieving herself of her burning and irritated eyes, throat, and lungs.

The sage coughs, spitting once more before she asks sharply, "Tell me, child; do you genuinely believe you're doing this for revenge on behalf of those two pathetic girls, or is it the more likely answer that you fear being next? To be without your wish truly is to be dreaded, so I understand. And, in this case, you can sleep better at night pretending you were trying to do something for someone else. But it's too late."

Murtoa's voice coughs, and he asks, "What did your wish get used on?"

The fairy sage scoffs, retorting, "That IS the real question, isn't it? Three hundred years ago, and I still hear the words to this day. 'I wish I could see the future.' I was young at the time, so a woman could now see years into the future, but couldn't observe her own impending death moments before it happened." Yanari scoffs and begins laughing. "It was then I realized that wishes are a joke. A joke on us fairies most of all."

Yanari isn't so distracted with her monologue to miss Lykha sneaking up on her, and she casts a spray of fireballs that explode around her, and again, Lykha is able to use her knife to shield her face from the worst of the nearest blast. She ducks out of sight once more behind a supporting or decorative column.

The fairy sage continues, a little more angrily, "Mine was certainly not the first wish wasted, nor will it be the last. You, yourself, Lykha, wanted to waste your own for a single human life." Seeing Murtoa trying to lift himself enough to attack, she uses a telekinetic pull to tear stone from the ceiling, pelting him back to the ground with a cough.

Lykha retorts angrily, "It wouldn't have been a waste! Mury's saved more lives than any of us ever will!"

Yanari laughs. "She's not familiar with causality, is she, Murtoa of Lakia?" She casts rocks towards Lykha, and the young fairy yelps as she dodges the stones.

"I'm curious, Lykha; what was your plan after you defeated me? Are you so certain there is more medicine on me? Or, perhaps, you are hoping I left my notes lying around somewhere." She rips apart the floor with telekinesis, startling Lykha as she and her cover begin floating. The young fairy bats some of the stones away with the knife that fits her like a giant greatsword, and she darts out of the way as Yanari tries to close the debris in on Lykha.

Still, Yanari continues, "I'll let you in on a little secret; there's a reason I'm the only one who can cure the demon ash plague. Would you like a hint? It begins with;" Yanari whispers deviously, "I wish..." She laughs, firing off spells that Lykha scrambles to dodge.

Yanari has boundless magical power compared to Lykha -undoubtedly a result of a wish-, and she has apparently around 300 years of life from which to pull experience.

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