Pirate Invasion

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Alexandra sat in her room, staring out her window. She looked at the medallion and smiled. She looked at her candle as it got blown out. She furrowed her brows and dropped the medallion into her dress. 

Alexandra picked her candle up when she heard shots being fired. She ran to her window and saw places being bombed. She grabbed her dressing gown and her sword and ran to Elizabeth's room. "Elizabeth!" She yelled and ran to her sister. They saw men break through the gates. "Come on!" Alexandra yelled and pulled her sister out the room. 

The twins ran down the stairs as there was a knock on he door. The butler went to open it. "Don't!" They yelled. "'Ello, chum." Someone said then shot the butler. Elizabeth screamed. "Shut up." Alexandra said. "Up there!" A pirate, Ragetti, yelled. Alexandra pulled Elizabeth up the stairs. 

They ran into a room, both screaming as a handmaiden, Estrella, startled them. "Misses, they've come to kidnap you." She said. "What?" Elizabeth asked. "You're the governor's daughters!" Estrella said. The pirates banged on the door, trying to open it. 

"They haven't seen you, yet." Alexandra said, pushing the woman behind a couch. "First chance you get, run to the fort." She said. She ran passed the door and grabbed Elizabeth's hand, the other grabbing her sword. They ran into a bathroom as the door got broken into. 

A pirate, Pintel, moved around a corner. Elizabeth hit him with the bed warmer. Ragetti moved to the door, but grabbed the handle before Elizabeth could hit him. "Gotcha!" He said. Alexandra pulled the release and the pan opened, dropping coal on the man. "No! No! It's hot. I'm burning!" He screamed as the twins ran out the bedroom. 

The twins ran down the stairs. Ragetti jumped down in front of them. Alexandra held her sword out. She looked at Pintel and moved her sword to him. She and Elizabeth saw a man with arms full of loot walk into the house. A cannon ball flew into the house, hitting the man with the loot. They looked at the chandelier and ran away from the distracted men as it fell from the ceiling. They ran into the dining room. Elizabeth threw a candelabra to Alexandra, who put it over the handles. 

Alexandra ran over to Elizabeth as the girl grabbed the decorative swords from the wall. She tried to pull it from the holder but failed. Alexandra pulled it out of her hands and threw it away. She pulled Elizabeth to a closet and placed the medallion in her hands. Elizabeth held a ring out. Alexandra took the ring. She shut the doors and ran to the table, hiding under it.

"We know you're here, poppets." Pintel said. "Poppets!" Ragetti said. 

"Come out. We promise we won't hurt you. We will find you, poppets. You've got something of ours and it calls to us. The gold calls to us." 

"The gold, the gold." 

Elizabeth looked at the medallion that glinted in the light. Then the light was gone. She looked at the crack to see Pintel's eye through it. "Hello, poppet." He said. 

The man pulled the doors open. "Alexandra!" Elizabeth yelled. Alexandra mouthed something to her, hiding as the men looked at her. They looked back to Elizabeth "Parley!" She yelled. "What?" Pintel asked, not believing what was said. "Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the Brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, states you have to take me to your captain!" Elizabeth said. 

"I know the Code." Pintel said. "If an adversary demands parley, you can do them no harm until the parley is complete." Elizabeth stated. "To blazes with the Code." Ragetti said. "She wants to be taken to the Captain." Pintel said. "And she'll go, without a fuss. We must honour the Code." He said. 

Alexandra ran after the pirates and Elizabeth. "I'll find you, Elizabeth, I promise!" She yelled. "Please do!" Elizabeth yelled back. 

Alexandra ran into town and fought a pirate that ran up to her. She stabbed it and pulled her sword out of his chest as she saw a pair of pirates run up behind Will. "Will!" She yelled. Will turned to her as a pirate hit him across the head. Alexandra grabbed a dagger from her boot and threw it at the pirate. It dropped dead as his friend continued on. 

Alexandra ran over to the pirate and grabbed her dagger before running over to Will. She tapped his cheek. She moved his hair out of his face and sighed. She looked at the sea and ran to it. She saw boats retreating to a ship and groaned. She looked at her hands, Elizabeth's ring in it. She furrowed her brows. 


Alexandra sat against a wall.

"Elizabeth!" Alexandra looked up to Norrington, as he and Swann ran over to her. She held a hand up as he tried to hug her. Norrington furrowed his brows. Alexandra smiled, turning the ring between her fingers. "Alexandra." Norrington said. "Don't sound so disappointed, love. I know you preferred her over me but come on." Alexandra said, pouting. Norrington sighed. Alexandra smirked. "Where is Elizabeth, Alexandra?" Swann asked. Alexandra shrugged. Swann sighed. Alexandra sighed and stood up. She went to walk away but Norrington caught her wrist. "Let go of me, James." She said. "What happened to your sister?" 

"How would I know? We got split up when the pirates entered the house. Now, let go of me." Alexandra spat. Norrington let go of her. Alexandra walked towards the house, fiddling with Elizabeth's ring. "Why did you give this to me, Liz?" She asked herself. She looked into a jewelry store and walked in. She spotted a chain and grabbed it, walking back out. She placed the ring on the chain and tied it to her neck. 

She rummaged threw her trunk in her room and smiled. 

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