Norrington's Ceremony

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Seven years later, 

Alexandra walked into her bedroom, mud covering her boots and the bottoms of her pants, a sword dangling from her hip. She looked up and saw her father and handmaidens. "Father. What are you doing in my room?" She said, her eyes wide. "Well, I came to see if you were up. Clearly you are." Swann said. Alexandra rolled her eyes and placed her sword on her dresser. "I've got you something." Swann said. The handmaidens held a box out. "Really? I thought gifts were only for your favourite daughter." Alexandra said. Swann tilted his head. "Elizabeth." Alexandra said. Swann chuckled. "Nonsense. I don't have a favourite daughter." He said. Alexandra chuckled humourless. "What is it?" She asked. 

The handmaidens opened the box. Alexandra pulled the thing out. "A dress?" She asked. "Yes." Swann said. "Do you not like it?" He asked. "You couldn't have gotten it in black perhaps? You know white doesn't last a day." Alexandra said. "Why don't you try it on? You might have a change in heart." Swann said. Alexandra hummed and walked to stand behind her divider. 

The handmaidens helped Alexandra get into her dress. "What's the occasion, Father? It's not everyday the least favourite daughter gets a gift." She asked. Swann sighed. "I was wondering if you could wear it to Norrington's ceremony." He said. Alexandra scoffed. "Then why give me a dress? Does he not fancy Elizabeth? Doesn't everybody?" She asked. "Yes, but, this is a formal event, Alexandra. And there are going to be men. You have to fancy someone. Also, you might want to cover your tattoo." Swann said. 

Alexandra smirked to herself. "Ladies, it seems my father thinks I need some sort of validation from men." She said.  The handmaidens laughed. Swann sighed yet again. "Alexandra..." "Father, has it ever crossed your mind that I don't really fancy men at all?" Alexandra asked. "Well, yes." Swann said. "Your sister and I thought you were  a Sapphist." He said. Alexandra's nostrils flared and she pushed the divider out the way. The handmaidens looked at each other and left the room. 

"Just because none of the men on this land are anymore flattering than scurvy on a sailor does not make me a Sapphist. They are more ghastly than barnacles on the bottoms of ships. But that does not make me Sapphic!" Alexandra yelled and grabbed her sword, slamming the door as she left the room. Swann sighed to himself. 

Alexandra was in the kitchen, slashing fruits with her sword. "Who does he think he is?!" She yelled and stabbed her sword into a coconut. "Miss Swann." The cook said. Alexandra looked at him and pulled her sword to her, the coconut still on the end. She shook her sword but the coconut stayed on the end. She sighed at the fruit then walked out of the kitchen, into the foyer. She hit her sword to the floor, catching the attention of three. She smiled at her sword and looked up to see Will, Elizabeth and her father. 

"Will. What a pleasant surprise." She said. "Miss Swann." Will said. Alexandra tilted her head at him as she felt a weird sensation in her chest, almost like her heart was going to explode. "It's Alexandra." She said. Will nodded. Alexandra walked over to them, laying a hand on his arm. "How many more times shall we go through this, Mister Turner?" She asked. "As many as it takes, Miss Swann." Will said. Alexandra smiled at him as he smiled back. 

"Well, we really must be going." Swann said, picking up a box. Elizabeth grabbed Alexandra's hand, pulling her into her side. Alexandra pulled her hand out of Elizabeth's. "Good day, Mister Turner." The twins said. "Come along." Swann said. The twins followed him out, along with other people. "Good day..." Will said. "Alexandra, Elizabeth." He said once the girls were in the hansom. 


The twins stood with fans in their hands, waving it at their faces. Fanfare played as the army marched out. 

"Two paces... march!" Someone yelled. The army followed. 

"Right about... face!" Same thing. 

"Present... arms!" Again.

Alexandra sighed. 

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