What The Hell

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It's finally my day off, thank god. Yesterday was okay, a boring day at work as Judd didn't visit me. Guess he was getting ready for his date that's scheduled today.

I sigh out of boredom. With no plans I didn't know what I was gonna do. So I was still laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. "It's been an hour... I need to get up."

I groan out as I didn't want to get out of my comfortable bed. I grab my phone off of my nightstand and check the time. "11:37... It's still early in a way." I softly say to myself with a slight laugh.

I put my phone back in my pocket as I got up and put my feet on the floor. I stretched, making a sound as I did; it felt nice. I cracked my joints as I stood up and walked to my dresser getting some clothes.

I grabbed all the things I needed for my shower and walked to the bathroom. "Race you to the bathroom!" Hunter said running past me. Draco trailing behind him. "You're on!"

I smiled as I rushed towards them as I knew they were planning this. "I got longer legs than you shorties!" I moved past them and made it into the bathroom. "If you really gotta go, I'm sure mom and dad won't mind letting you use their bathroom."

Hunter crossed his arms. "Well... I was going to... Uhh... Brush my teeth?..." I could see through his lie. Draco looked defeated, and looked at Hunter.

"And I need to... Take a shower?..." He said looking at my things in one arm, definitely lying as well. I smirk and slowly start closing the door. "I'll be sure to use all the hot water and your toothbrush." I couldn't hold back my laughter.

With that I closed the door and they both rushed to the door. "Please don't! Use Draco's! His is the one with Spiderman!" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"What?! No! Don't use mine! Use his! Spiderman doesn't deserve that! He doesn't want cooties!" I laugh at their small argument outside the door. "Don't worry I was just playing with you." With that I started my shower.

As I stood there feeling the water hit my back, I relaxed. A small sigh left my mouth as the water was just the right temp. I washed my hair and body, doing the rest of my shower stuff.

I turned off the water and got out, drying off and got dressed. I brushed my teeth and my morning routine. I walked out of the bathroom after hanging my towel up. "Where did those kids go?" I looked around, making sure I was ready for what they had in mind.

I made my way to my room and surprisingly they didn't try anything, probably playing videogames or something. I shrug it off and grab my phone, taking it off the charger. "I could hang with my brothers today, but they'd probably just have me sit there until they needed my help on their game."

I sighed going through my phone. "I did that until 12 last night I don't wanna do it again." I sat on my bed trying to find something to do. My stomach rumbled as I hadn't eaten yet. "I guess I could get something to eat to start the day."

I made my way to the kitchen to get food. Going through the cabinets and the fridge I just settled for a bowl of cereal. I took the bowl to the table and started to eat, watching stuff on my phone.

Then I got a text. "What the hell?" It was from Leah, I haven't really texted her in years. Well other than the occasional, have you seen Judd or your parents are looking for you.

I opened the text and was shocked, she wanted to hang out today; but why? I responded saying sure and where she wanted to meet. I waited for her to respond as I went back to what I was doing before.

She responded right when I finished eating saying, to meet at her place around two. I had one hour and thirty minutes to get there. I shrugged and put my dishes in the dishwasher after rinsing them off.

I leaned against the counter giving her an okay in response and just waited for time pass. I just played on my phone until it was time to start heading there. I put my phone in my pocket and let everyone know I was heading out before grabbing everything I needed and went out the door.

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