Mui v/s Zen

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(Mui's Pov)

I don't get Zenitsu. How come he simps over every girl in the world. Even the ugly ones. I mean C'mon. I know it's mean but still. You can't simp for the ugly ones. I just don't get his logic. My guy even simps for girls older than him. Like tf. What does he see in them? The

Mui was walking through the school halls when a girl with black hair that faded into orange and pink eyes as bright as day appeared in his field of vision.

That's Nezuko. The ONLY girl I deem worthy simping over... Second to Shinobu that is. Shinobu comes first. But other than that, Nezuko is really cute. Speaking of which, I wanted to give her something.

Mui walked up to her and tapped on the petite girl's shoulder as she turned around to look at him.

"Hi, Nezuko."

"Hi Mui." Her smile was as radiant as the sun.

"I got you something." Mui reached into his pocket. "I want you to have this" he pulled out a necklace with a pink gem at the end of it and the half of a heart right next to it.

 "I want you to have this" he pulled out a necklace with a pink gem at the end of it and the half of a heart right next to it

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(Ignore the Best friends part)

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Thank you, Mui!" Mui proceeded to attach the necklace around her neck. That's when he pulled out a turquoise-coloured one to put around his neck.

"There. As a symbol of my love." The excited pink-eyed girl hugged him tightly while thanking him a thousand times. If possible, more, making the slightly taller boy smile.

(Zen's Pov)

I don't get Muichiro. How could he not like any girls? They're so beautiful! And he has the nerve to call some of them ugly. Pfft. The only girl he's interested in is Kocho-san. And she's his cousin. I mean, she is the most adorable girl on earth. Maybe in the whole galaxy. But I don't have a chance in hell with her. Nezuko-chan's cute as well. Wait. Is that Muichiro hugging my Nezuko-chan!?

"Get away from my Nezuko-chan!" Zenitsu sprinted towards Mui with a fire in his eyes as he started chasing him around the entire school until they got into the high school part of the school.

While they were running, they ran into a certain purple-eyed butterfly.

Shinobu looked down to see Mui as Zenitsu came rushing in, aiming for him.

(Shinobu's Pov)

Great. Now I have to deal with another problem. Sheesh. Can't they just make Tomioka-san do it? He's not Vice President for nothing. Next time Ima make him do it instead. I don't want to deal with this today.

Someone bumped into her.

Ouch what the-

Shinobu looked at the person who ran into her and saw Mui. She then looked behind him and saw Zen chasing him.

"Mui. Are you seriously running away from... him?" She had confusion written all over her face.

"No. But I don't want to hurt him"

"Since when do you care?" He thought about what she said for a while.

"You're right." He side glanced at Zen who was coming at full speed with fire in his eyes.

Once he got close, he threw back his hand and slapped Zen across the face sending him flying into space team rocket style.

(If you watch Pokémon, you know what I mean)

*back on earth*

Zen was holding his cheek while whining and crying even though that was Mui's weakest slap.

Shinobu slowly clapped her hand and stop after a while. She opened her eye.

"Detention. The both of you." Both looked at her, mouth agape.

"B-b-but Shinobu I-"


"Y-y-yes S-Shinobu-san." He was trembling with fear as he bowed and grabbed Zen's collar, dragging him to the detention room.

They were fighting the whole way.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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