Chapter 19 - Phone

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Monday. The start of a new day. My kids were going to sleep in today, and for some reason I was in enough of a mood that if Aaliyah woke up I wouldn't try putting her back to sleep.

It got to about 9 o'clock when Steven came to my study in my house. He was the first challenger of the day. Making sure he knows how I operate. I gave him an explanation on how my old PA handled things and how my day-to-day calendar worked. He listened attentively taking note of everything. Test one passed.

We worked through the day and at lunch, I offered to make him food but the guy brought his own lunch. He also thought it was good to explain that he normally has pork but since being hired, he and his wife doesn't want to offend anyone so his wife Sandra (or Sandy for short) makes tuna sandwiches instead. It was a nice detail I was glad with. The day went by, and I reviewed his work with him. He did a great job, even decided whilst to fix Arif's toy train when he had time, but at the end he told me something.

"Arsalan, to be honest I'm so grateful you gave me a job. Since covid and now the bills rising and everything, we were struggling financially. My wife is a primary school teacher, she won't ever leave her job. But I was stuck working for this man before and I didn't like it there. Excuse my language but he treated me like crap and when I asked for a raise, he simply fired me. So right now, you and your company have saved me, and I don't mind working for you or Ian, if you want then take Miss Akram and I'll work for Ian."

I smiled at him, gave him a handshake and said to him "No problem, and I'm glad you're being open about it. I will see who I will hire after speaking with Ian at the end of tomorrow... actually after today I'll make a decision early." And with that he, he nodded and I walked him out of the Salem estate.

I walked back up my drive in thought after waving him off.

'Hm, maybe he's just that grateful? I've come across people with that much gratitude before but still... as lovely and hard-working as he is, something doesn't add up.' And then my mind switched to something else. Or rather someone.

'I wonder how Hiba is doing today. Surely, she must be good at her job too, right?' And then Ian texted me.

From Ian:

"Arsalan, mate I'm telling you this New York woman? She's amazing! She literally rearranged my calendar with my minimal input to one that was not only efficient but one that works perfectly! Bro, you've got yourself a miracle worker! That is, of course, if you take her? I mean may I suggest hiring now if Steven was that good for you today?"

I was smiling a little, and I replied "That's great! But I'm not sure if I'm going to take her... I'll check on her now actually."

"Woah woah Mr Salem! How are you going to check on her when she's already gone home?"

Ah. I hadn't told him about the car journey yet.

"I'll get her number from the system" I texted back, knowing that I already have her number.

Ian texted back a thumbs up and a winking face, cheeky idiot, and I went inside to see my kids.

"Aaliyah, Arif! What do you want to eat?" I shouted up the stairs to them, and in reply they came running down.

"Mmmmm what if we have sausages?" Aaliyah started.

"Ooh and with chips and gravy please!" Asif said next.

"Ooh Asif we can have the leftovers with it too!"

"And hot chocolate with cream-"

"-Okay okay, I'll stop you there before we start emptying the cupboards of this house!" The kids giggled at this, and they decided to come with me to make the food. I didn't like Ammu and Aliha to cook after looking after the kids, they deserve rest, but they came and helped out anyway.

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