Chapter 55 - Walima

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"May these nuptials be blessed for us, may this marriage be blessed for us,
May it be ever like milk and sugar, this marriage like wine and halvah.
May this marriage be blessed with leaves and fruits like the date tree;
May this marriage be laughing forever, today,tomorrow, like the houris of paradise.
May this marriage be the sign of compassion and the approval of happiness here and hereafter;
May this marriage be fair of fame, fair of face and fair of omen as the moon in the azure sky.
I have fallen silent for words cannot describe how the spirit has mingled with this marriage"

~ Rumi


The day had finally arrived.
Zoya, along with makeup artists and stylists helped her get ready into the dress Hiba was to wear. It was a segregated walima, with security to make sure it stays that way. Arsalan was keen on making his wife comfortable to wear makeup upon his request. In fact his words exactly were "just enough to make you feel more beautiful than you ever have before. Your beauty only shines through your happiness. And trust me, if it takes you wearing makeup to make yourself feel even more beautiful than you already are, then I'm all for it."

Hiba sat in front of her dressing table with her makeup artist and hair stylist having almost finished. She had put her dress on and, well, to say it was beautiful was an understatement.

It was a cool ice white dress, intricate gold details and floral patterns sown into it. Yes, it was heavy. But yes, she loved every bit of it. It wasn't too much work on the dress, but not too light either. Just the right amount, as Hiba desired.

"Who knew I'd be here again." She spoke softly, starting at herself in the mirror.

She hadn't put any scarf or veil on yet. So she raised her hand and traced the lines on her neck.

Faint. But still there. The after effects of which she had thought she had dealt with.

"Alhamdulillah." She said finally, and she smiled with teary eyes.

Just in time, Ahmad came in to see her.

"My dear sister... you are truly a princess today!" He exclaimed, but the happy tone was gone when he saw her eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I realised I rarely ever said alhamdulillah for what has passed. I mean, really. I could've- no should've- said Alhamdulillah for so much more. Allah has blessed me with the most amazing man I could ask for and he took me in his arms regardless of my past. I have never met any man like him, nor do I think I will in the future. And Allah has blessed me with a family that I couldn't ask more from. You all do so much... for me of all people... So alhamdulillah for every moment that has led me here!" The tears were starting to fall, but just in time the makeup artist gave a handkerchief to help stop them ruining her makeup.

"Don't worry, the makeup is tear proof anyway but we need to let it set first" she said as she handed the handkerchief to Hiba.

Ahmad, however, was once again amazed at her words, and did nothing but hug his sister tightly and cry himself.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you back then Hiba. I should've done something... but alhamdulillah you are here now married to a man I trust. And I couldn't be any more grateful for what Allah has bestowed upon us." Whilst he let his tears out, Zoya asked the artists to leave, before joining the hug after Hiba waved her over.

"Look now - we're one happy family. You've left this house before but this... it feels so much more like you're leaving now forever." Ahmad said, and Hiba chuckled between her tears.

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