The introduction.

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The Larger man introduced himself as "Mr. Thalmon". What type of last name is Thalmon? Just as I rolled my eyes and started to walk upstairs back to my room, the "no one understands me' looking guy introduces himself as "Blake". I don't think his parents love him.

My mother jumped to the opportunity to have a 234-hour long conversation with a random person that totally does not look like a serial killer and is now in the house.

"How wonderful!! I'm Mrs. Kronhaw, and this is my lovely daughter Olive!" said my mother.

Lovely? Maybe those other girls could be called "lovely" with their frilly dresses and pink hair. But me? Yea no. I'd be more of the "mysterious type" since nobody could ever be like me since I'm so different from everyone else.

My mom then gestured to me, giving me a look as if saying with her eyes, "introduce yourself".

I scoffed and said annoyed "Yea its ok to meet you guys, can I go back upstairs now?"

"No. now go get our lovely guests some water" She then shoved me into the direction of the kitchen and shoo'ed me away.

I went and grabbed the stupid water, for those stupid random people in my house and my mom.

When I came back to give them the water everyone was in the living room talking like they've known each other for years, gross. They were just like everyone else, talking and having a good time being all friendly. I set down the waters and tried to quickly skidaddle to my room but just as I turned around my mom started talking again. What is wrong with that lady.

"Oh liv! Guess what!"

"What." I said sluggishly.

"Blake here is the same age as you!"

"Wow" I said sarcastically

"Mhm, and he goes to your new school! Isn't that wonderful"


"Since you both go to the same school me, and Mr. Thalmon thought it would be a great Idea for you and Blake to start walking to school together, you could get to know the neighborhood more, make new friends, and it would be much safer than you walking on your own."

"No! I'm not walking with some random guy I've never met; I'll be fine on my own." I said angrily

"Honey this is a new place with new people, it's better to be safe than sorry"

"Then why can't I just carry a self-defense weapon?!" I said folding my arms.

"You can't always be sure those will do anything"

"And This random guy will?!" I said getting annoyed


"I'd do more than you could"


Now I bet you can guess who said that.

Yep, Blake.

"Please like you could do anything if something were to really happen" I said and scoffed.

" If something were to really happen you would wish you had someone to help instead of those stupid "self-defense" toys off amazon."

I heard faint laughter and footsteps in the background but ignored it.

"Those "stupid self-defense weapons" would do more than your weak butt could" I said as I laughed.

"Weak?" he said raising an eyebrow as he stepped closer to me.

"Yea, weak. I bet you run and scream like a little girl at the sight of an ant." I said rolling my eyes

"Of course, you would know, weren't you just saying how I was some "random guy you just met" it's crazy how you suddenly know so much about me." he said rising his brow once again

"All I'm hearing is a bunch of blabber about you being weak and not wanting to admit it."

He stayed silent. Suddenly his eyes started to dart around the room

"What cat got your tongue small fry?" I said confidently

He then started to look around harder


I looked around and quickly noticed both our parents had disappeared.

I rushed to the kitchen to try and find them but saw nothing, I looked in the backyard and dining room. Nothing. Where did they go?

I then heard Blake yell from the living room " The cars are gone!"

"What!" I exclaimed

I rushed to the porch and noticed both cars missing. They were gone.

"Haha your father left you."

Blake looked at me confused.

I then had realized my mom left me Aswell, not only did she leave me, but she left me with him.

I'm home...

With Blake...


What the heck!

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