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I fainted.

What the heck is going on? I'm not like other girls, how dare those normal men make me faint with those stupid like everyone else bullets that made me faint.

I hadn't opened my eyes but I felt a something right around my thigh and something cool on my head. And whatever I was laying on felt like a cloud. I also felt really warm. I'm not going to lie I felt great.

I didn't want to open my eyes like every other girl to see what was really going on and ruin this perfect bliss I was in for that soooo boring and not edgy normal reality. So I kept my eyes closed and just relaxed. It was amazing.

Then about 10 minutes in I realized there was something heavy on my arm. It didn't feel like anything else that I was feeling at the moment. It was sort of comforting. But I'm not like other girls. I need to know what it was. So of course I opened my eyes.

And when I opened them....I saw what I was laying on, it was this beautiful bed, in this beautiful huge room.

I looked around and found out what was on my arm.


I'm not like other girls so I'll deal with that later. Other girls would stop everything and get all embarrassed and ask a bunch of questions. But not me I'm too edgy and different for that type of normal not edgy girl boss stuff.

I sat up not gently since I'm not like other girls and didn't care about anything that would happen.

I moved my hand down to my thigh and felt bandages on were it was tight. And realized the cool feeling on my head was a washcloth that was now in my lap.

I guess I have to deal with him now.

I'm not like other girls wondering what happens and how i got here. I'm edgy and different so I didn't care. Not to mention u already knew what had happened.

I walked into those stupid mens meeting, took them all out with a single pen I found in my room where I was kidnapped, but then a trigger from one of their traps went off and hit me in the leg, but since I'm such a baddie queen YASS edgy different girl boss different not like other girls, girl I walked it off and took myself here to heal myself.

"Yea your really out of your mind" I heard a sleepy voice say

I turned my head to see Blake waking up and yawning.

"Not to mention that also wouldn't explain why I'm here" he said wiping his eyes

"You obviously followed me here because your a stalker." I said crossing my arms violently

"Nobody in their right mind would follow someone like you around." he said rolling his eyes

"Well you basically just called yourself crazy" I said smirking very edgy-like

"Your one to call people crazy, you almost got yourself killed back there" he said leaning back in his chair

"How?! All I did was calmy ask them where I was and they wanted to be all not cool and edgy crazy" I said furrowing my brows.

I tried to sit up a bit more, but I then felt a strong throbbing pain in my thigh.

"Ow." I said nonchalantly, despite the immense pain I was in.

"Don't move to much your legs clearly sore from the wound." He said adjusting the blanket on top of me.

"Ow." I said once again nonchalantly.

"Ok are you actually in pain or what? Cause I've never heard someone just say Ow, after being shot the night before." He said with a confused look on his face

"I'm to cool and edgy to show my pain like those other girls." I said folding my arms

"You mean any normal human being?" he said raising his eyebrow

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes like an edgy different boss queen


"Oh, that's the food I ordered, I'll be back try not to move so much." he said getting up and walking out the room

He ordered food? I hope he doesn't think he is going to bribe me with food into not suing him.

It probably won't even be anything good, I'm so edgy and different that he wouldn't know any actual good food to order.

But, even still...I guess it was nice that he did that or whatever.

Snap out of it! You're not like other girls' olive! He kidnapped you! You got Shot! He's a weird stalker! And his that weird dark and mysterious scent is gross!

Right. Right. Nothing's changed.

Hes still a stranger.


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