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Great, I'm home alone with some random guy that has a cocky attitude and an annoying face.

Other girls would be excited to be home alone with some guy but not me. I'm not like those other girls. I don't care about dating and boys. I don't care at all. I'm edgy. This guy could go out in the middle of the street and scream "run me over" and I wouldn't care at all. Unlike those other friendly girls who would be all caring and care. I'd let him.

As if magic I then heard from outside a scream.


.... are you kidding me?

I walked outside instead of running like those other girly girls because I don't care because im so different and edgy. Once I was outside, I saw Blake in the middle of the street like an idiot. Just like I said. But also like I said, I don't care. I'm not like those other girls who say they don't care then actually care about someone, I'm different. I actually don't care at all.  Since I'm so carefree and edgy I just watched him look stupid in the middle of the road

"Well at least you aren't a liar" he said

"What?" There's no way he could read minds right!?

"I read your mind and heard what you said"


"Yea you think about weird stuff"

Usually, a regular girl would start stuttering and be all shy, but I'm not like those other girls. I stood up for myself like a real woman should.

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms

"No" he said nonchalantly

"That wasn't a question you actually answer you idiot, any person with common sense would know the answer is yes."

"Well then that's too bad" he said as he sat down, still in the middle of the road.

"I hope scientists find you out and do experiments on you." I said

"Wait you're not going to rat me out?" he said raising his eyebrow

"Of course, I am, I'm not like other girls who would care enough to keep your secret, that's how getting to know people happens and then it turns into friendship and all that gross stuff. Thats the stuff other girls do, but like I said I'm not like those other girls." I said confidently

"Please like i would be friends with a weirdo like you." he said chuckling

"How am I the weirdo when you're the one reading people's minds!? If anything, you're a weirdo! not even a weirdo but a freak!" I said confidently

"Wow, your just like everyone else, you think I'm a freak, and here I thought you would be different. " he said looking down sadly.

" Me!? Like everyone else!? Absolutely not!! I am different! your just to dumb enough to know. If anything, you just proved, you are like everyone else yourself!" I said Angrily

"Wow your dumb." he said looking concerned

"Excuse me!!??" I said offended

"Nobody can read minds you just think out loud. A lot." he said

"....what" I said confused

"Yea everything you thought you were saying in your head you said out loud." He said carelessly

Wait, is he serious? Do I really think out loud? No, I can't, I would notice if i did that right? Only those other type of people would make a mistake like that; I'm too different and edgy to make such a stupid mistake. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He probably just had a lucky guess from my facial expressions. Yea. He was just being a weirdo and watching me too hard.

"You're doing it again, and nobody's watching you. Weirdo"

"W-W-W-W-WHAT" I said shocked

I really do think out loud! This is bad. How much has he heard? Wait I cant care about this. Thats something normal people would do. I'm wayyyy to different to care.

"You just can't take a hint huh?" He said getting up

I watched him get out of the street.

He started to walk towards me and then asked "where's your bathroom"

I pointed to the neighbors bush to be different instead of just telling him were it was.

"Yea never mind I think I saw it down the hall." he said walking past me.

How dare he not care about me being different and special. I hate him.

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