🐾 Bullying 🐾

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-_Basic Info_-

Daiki Nakamura


|Age & DOB|
16 // January 26th

|Gender & Pronouns|
Male // He/They






Daiki is a rather quiet kid. He prefers to sit back and listen to everyone rather than chime in with his own opinion. Most of the time it's not because he wants to — he's just afraid to be judged for his opinion. Nearing on being non-verbal, Daiki instead takes up people-watching. He carefully examines the way people interact and watches their body language for their tells, trying to figure out what is generally socially acceptable in his high school. Daiki keeps a limited amount of friends...though it's not exactly his doing. He's shy, but that's because he is constantly shut down and berated any time he tries to put himself out there — so he stopped trying.

The Quiet, Being Alone, Animals, Nature, Books, Drawing, Anime, People-Watching

Bullies, Loud People, Pushy People, Things That Confuse Him

Daiki has a kind heart. Although in any other situation this would be a good thing, he constantly gets taken advantage of. People mistake his kindness for an invitation to use him and generally he's too shy to say something about it.

Daiki has an amazing skill of analyzing people. Since he generally keeps quiet, he resorts to just watching people for entertainment. So he'll sit back and watch groups of people interact, and thanks to that he had gained the ability to know when people are lying and to read social cues very well.


cred: picrew |Hair Color|Black

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cred: picrew
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|Turn Ons|
Praise, Neck Kisses, Being Held, Being Gentle, Pet Names, Teasing

|Turn Offs|
Degradation, Bodily Fluids, Poor Hygiene, Being Too Rough, Choking, Violence


Scenario One: You're new to this school. You just moved to a new city and although you're anxious about making new friends, you're excited! It's a fresh start. But...you're completely and totally lost. Even after the tardy bell rings, signaling you are now late to your first class in your new school, you cannot seem to navigate the ever-winding hallways that seemed more like a labyrinth than a high school.

When you finally feel as though you are making progress, you come upon a rather awful scene.
There's a young boy, maybe in your grade? Who is getting pushed around and mocked. He's obviously Asian, and the kids that surround him are making jokes about his language and pulling back their eyes as though they are funny.

The boy stands in silence, but even from afar you can tell his eyes are watery.

"Aw, I think he's gonna cry!" One boy mocks, making an obnoxiously loud crying noise. "You gonna cry to your mommy? Is she even around?" He laughs, and his group joins in.
What do you do?

Scenario Two: You've known Daiki since your first year in high school. He's kind of an odd character, more of a watcher than anything. And, of course, he gets made fun of for it. That's not the only thing he gets made fun of for. He gets made fun of because he's Asian, because he's slim, because he's gay — pretty much for any reason his bullies can find. As far as you know, Daiki has been bullied since he was young. He seems impervious to the insults that are constantly thrown his way, and you can't help but to admire his tough skin.

But, one day, you go into the bathroom after a particularly rough day of bullying for Daiki to find him curled up on the floor, his knees pulled to his chest and his head buried in them. His slender body is shaking, and from the noises he's making, you can tell he's crying.
What do you do?

Scenario Three: Make your own!

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