139 3 3

Word Count: 1,787

Warnings: Mention of Sexual Activity

P.S Remember this is happening during the end of their 3rd year of U.A

The weekend comes around and Misaka keeps you company in your dorm room. You were starting on your design, physically creating the shell of Bakugou's new gauntlets. Thankfully you did snatch a few things before you were put on suspended leave. You had extra parts in your dorm room due to working on your course project assignments.

Misaka was laying on your bed with her head hanging off the bed, throwing a squishy ball and listening to you talk about your hang out with Bakugou. You continue messing with metal parts that are supposed to be the trigger of the gauntlets. You were putting screws where they are supposed to go.

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun with the angry Pomeranian." She glances over at you.

"Yeah. I was surprised. I thought he would be a buzzkill when it comes to fun, but he actually knows how to have fun." You spoke fondly of Bakugou, after seeing Bakugou in a new light.

Bakugou Katsuki can be sweet whenever he wants to be. He was rough around the edges but had a good heart underneath the layers. It did take a while for Bakugou to warm up to you and get comfortable after working with each other multiple times in a short amount of time. He does come across as vile and blunt with his words, but he was truthful and doesn't sugarcoat things.

He was primarily the reason why your present current costumes and support equipment for fire types quirk users are a lot better. He told the truth, but also provided constructive criticism whenever he could. He has helped a lot, which made you appreciate his blunt self. He provided a lot of insight.

Misaka hums while bouncing the ball into the air and voices out her thoughts. "I am guessing Midoriya hasn't spoken to you."

You sigh heavily as you place the shell on top of your desk before standing up and sketching your limbs due to being in the position for a long time. Misaka stops bouncing the ball and observes your body language. You climb on the bed and lay beside her.

"He hasn't spoken to me, but he has been staring, unlike the other times. He simply refused to look at me. It's a working progress. I get where he is coming from. I would have been upset too if I were to be in his position."

"But that doesn't give him the clear right to let his friends belittle you whenever you are in their presence. He enables that behavior when he knows it was completely false." Misaka voices out her real feelings about the whole situation.

Midoriya should have put a stop to the rumors on its tracks. The rumors are now getting ridiculous about you sleeping your way to becoming one of the best inventors in the U.A. You became second place right behind Hatsume Mei the year before the completion. You had cheated throughout the three years at U.A. It seems like he didn't follow her advice on stopping the rumors.

She just knows something else is gonna be added to the rumors about you when they come back to school. Misaka saw the effect of hanging out with Bakugou. She remembers seeing Bakugou holding you by the wrist and continuing walking, clearing a path with the eye he was glaring blank weeks earlier.

You no longer held your head down, but held your chin up. You took your power back instead of being ashamed of yourself. She doesn't know what Bakugou has been doing whenever the two were alone and spending time together. He sparked that fire that was formerly extinguished by your own peers to strangers. You have regained your confidence once more. You are ready to face the day.

Misaka wasn't blind either seeing how Bakugou and Kirishima started sitting with them instead of their usual spot with the rest of class 3A. Misaka saw you slowly coming back to yourself. You were putting yourself together again slowly but surely.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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