381 18 13

Word Count: 1,442

Midoriya Izuku has taken a shower after meeting Misaka to get his shoes fixed. His hair was slightly wet, but still, small droplets of water had fallen on top of the metal suitcase with the red ribbon attracted onto it while holding a red envelope.

With his shaky hands, he removes the enveloped to the side to read afterward. He unclips the locks with a swift of his thumbs pushing down, with a click popping it slightly open. He takes a deep breath and opens the lid to reveal two gloves identical to his current gloves, but with different features.

He could feel something heavy weighing on his chest, as his eyes immediately landed on the other suitcase only to open it hastily to reveal two red-colored shoes with feature details that he could pick up.

His vision gets blurred with tears and instantly remembers your guys' conversations months ago.

"Do you mean shock absorbing equipment?" You tilted your head in questions when he was in his rambles episodes.

"Yeah! Like maybe filtering the wind force of my punches or kicks would help the equipment to last longest" Midoriya moved his hands around rapidly but you understood every word he was saying.

"It would protect your bones and muscles, knowing you break a bone once in a while." You thought which protest from Midoriya by your side comment.

"You remember." He softly touches the feature of the trademark of his hero sign carved onto the side of the shoes to the gloves. He could see how much time you put into this and made sure it would be comfortable as possible without restraining his moves.

He reaches over to the enveloped to read open gently trying not to tear the envelope. He wonders what the letter holds. He knows this was supposed to be his gift as a celebration of their anniversary.

Happy Anniversary!

I hope you enjoy the new equipment I created for you, hopefully it will help you get closer to archiving your dream.

They are just custom to your size and comfort, hopefully I got it everything correct, do let me know if it isn't right.

I hope you enjoy your logo on your shoes. ❤️

Every time, you need some reassurance why to continue fighting to stay alive to look at your costume.

Remember you have a mother and a mentor to come to at the end of the day,

your costume presenting your mother's love and support,

as your gloves and shoes presenting the presence of your mentor, All Might be helping you through your journey.

I may not be there every step of the way since we are taking different paths of careers, but we always find time to be together in our busy schedules.

A lot of love,

[Your Signature]

The letter crumbles in his grasp with tears running down on his cheeks to fall on the piece of paper that caused him to get a wave of a roller coaster of his feelings that he is going through.

He grasps onto his shirt off his shirt to only fist it against his chest. The memories of you scolding him for being so reckless and giving him a better version of his custom from before every single time. You work your butt off to always give him the best quality that you could do with anyone to do that. You care about him and you prove that through your inventions. You always deliver it with a smile on your face.

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