313 19 13

Warning: Name calling, rumors

Word Count: 2,235

You knew coming back to school will be tough, but it's tougher than you thought. Everyone is isolating themselves from being related to you. You wouldn't blame them, but you were a bit angry because of how people easily believe false rumors. The rumors are getting out of hand or even being dramatized.

You had to watch your step and be on the lookout because you became disgraced in front of everyone's eyes. People tried to make yourself look like a fool such as taking apart your desk and chair screws to attempt on tripping you. You were getting sick of it. You knew you couldn't go eat your lunch in the inventory room, as usual, you would do or sit with your ex tables with his friends. You took a seat in the corner away from everyone.

Misaka was using her pass on skipping couple periods to get ordered materials that needed to be picked up from the shop. She is working on her project for the invention event. You ate quickly using your school's tablet to pull up the roster of all students in the hero course matching up with students from the support department. You scroll down for your name to have your eyes land next to the name, Midoriya Izuku.

You took a deep breath and gulped down your saliva before you double-tap to highlight his name and press the button to delete. Now it's official that he is free for any other students to take him if they like to and ask for his permission. You blow out from your mouth and scrolled up to the top to see the available names to be quite surprised to see one of the top 3 heroes in training from Class A-3 was available.

Bakugou Katsuki.

You have worked with him before and already know his measures. An idea suddenly appearing on your mind could be the invention you could do for his costume. Perhaps an upgrade from his current costume to changing some parts of his costume. As you open the drawing application to start sketching away on what his upgraded costume could look like and writing down some details would have to explain to him.

You had to present something to him to show what you could do. Perhaps other students brought ideas that he didn't like which concludes blunt rejection from his part. He is a very blunt person who doesn't sugar-code anything. He could reject you for numerous reasons but you know he uses his brain more than rumors, hopefully.

You get so sucked into your work. You didn't realize the person you were sketching ideas for was getting into argument with his friends on the other side of the cafeteria.

"Bakugou, that's a bad idea. It will affect your reputation." Kaminari Denki doesn't agree on what his friend was about to do and the rest of his friends agree to expect Kirishima and Bakugou.

Kirishima Eijirou is dating your best friend, Misaka, and couldn't voice out his thoughts. He just makes his mouth open to speak but he doesn't agree with them. He believes to know [Name] well enough with all interactions he had with you. You aren't a bad person, perhaps you simply make a mistake. Everyone is human. Everyone makes a mistake due to a lack of judgment.

"All of you are dumbass to believe those fucking dramatized rumors. You must be fucking blind if you didn't see how they behaved with that loser." Bakugou Katsuki abruptly stands up shaking off Denki's arm around his shoulder. He was walking towards you.

Kirishima looks at his back and looks down on his empty before standing up too. "They did have genuine feelings for Midoriya despite what everyone thinks. I have seen it first hand." Kirishima says before walking away from his table.

He recalls all those double dates with the two. The look of full adoration and happiness towards Midoriya couldn't be faked. For someone who was faking their love, they wouldn't worry about their well being as much as they did. They would scold him and create something even stronger than before to protect him from harming himself. He remembers hearing Midoriya named being yelled and dragged inside while his friend and himself were playing video games in the lounge area. Someone to fake to ensure that Midoriya was eating despite being so sucked into training. You would drag him out from outside because Midoriya skipped a meal which earns scold from you.

Sentiment [Izuku Midoriya/Katsuki Bakugou]Where stories live. Discover now