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You hold Jezebel's sweater close to your chest, it still smells like orange blossoms. You bury your face into the soft fabric and start to sob. You wish you had some privacy to break down and process everything, but you were in a car with two masked strangers.

"Hey uh don't cry, it's okay."

Masky awkwardly cleared his throat, he had no idea how to comfort someone. He opens the glove box and hands you some napkins.

You shakily accept the napkins as anger washes over you causing you to cry even harder.

"H-how is it okay! Nothing is okay! My friend is missing and all I could find was her cardigan. D-did you two do something to her? What the hell was that thing!"

"Stop crying and listen! We tried to stop her from being taken by Him. We really tried."

"D-do you work for that creature? Was she still alive when she was taken!? Do you know where she is now!?"

"She was alive when He took her, and we don't work for Him anymore. We're tired of being on the run, always killing, stealing, and living in shitty motels. We're tired of being under his influence, we want to try and live a somewhat normal life. So if you don't want him to take you then you need to stay with us."

Hoodie fake coughed as he spoke.

"She was kinda hot though."

Masky smacks the back of Hoodie's head. You show the faintest hint of a smile, but it quickly resolves back to a frown.

"We really did try to save your friend. I can't guarantee we will be able to find her, much less save her."

"Her name is Jezebel.... we have been friends for 12 years. My memories of her are fading, and I don't understand why. I just want to know why all of this is happening! I don't want to forget her... I don't want to lose her."

You lie down in the back seat clutching the cardigan close to your chest. You eventually cry yourself to sleep.

Hoodie looks back at your sleeping form and frowns.

"Is this really a good idea Tim? I mean you're the one who decided to save her and bring her with us. But can we protect her? Based on what she said, Slender has already had an influence on her. Besides, it's always been the two of us, and we barely make it on our own sometimes."

Masky opens a fresh pack of cigarettes and removes his mask. He sighs as smoke escapes out the window.

"Look I don't know why I saved her. Slender is most likely pissed at me for smashing one of his disgusting tentacles. As you said, she's already under some of His influence, so I say we keep her with us for now. If she becomes dead weight, we put her out of her misery."

"Jeez, Masky that's harsh. You saved her life just to threaten to take it."

Masky shrugs his shoulders and flicks his cigarette out the window.

He didn't mean what he said, he didn't regret saving you. He just didn't know why he did it. He didn't know what the hell he and Hoodie were going to do now that they'd really betrayed Slender.

Fascination (Masky x Hoodie x F.Reader)Where stories live. Discover now