camp cretaceous

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the votes are in and the giga wins

*(y/n) pov*

I was in my room I had just finished packing my stuff and was fiddling with my watch that let me do my whole dino shifting

I was in my room I had just finished packing my stuff and was fiddling with my watch that let me do my whole dino shifting

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by the time I had everything packed my father walked in the room

billy" hey kid you ready to see your uncle after 3 years?"

(y/n)" yes ,quick question how are we getting  to the boat since you don't have a car?"

billy" your so closed minded (y/n) your uncle d-caff is flying us there we'll be an hour early"

(y/n)" oh ok"

billy" come on we gotta go"

dad wasn't shore if I should go considering what happened to him on that island but when he herd my girlfriend was then he reluctantly let me go

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the house where my uncle Danny and uncle Oscar were in a helicopter

d-caff " hey billy,hey (y/n)"

Oscar " its been a while how have you been kid?"

(y/n)" I've been ok ,how have you been?"

Oscar " well apart from the fact im gowing back to the island where my worst nightmares came from im ok"

billy" yes some of the worst stuff that has happened to us happened on that island and my son still wants to go"

d-caff" he's definitely your kid billy"

d-caff got the bird in the air and we headed for isla nublar

*time skip *

we were about 2 theres of the way there and my dad spent most of it worrying

Oscar " hey (y/n) do me a favour if you see a raptor with a scar across its right eye dont kill it"

(y/n)" why?"

Oscar " because that raptor and I have unfinished business to attend to?"

(y/n)" ok what happened on that island that made you 3 hate it do mutch"

d- caff" well some small dino's lade eggs in my ass but I'm alive"

Oscar " i killd a raptor"

billy " and your dad out ran a trex you tell me witch is more impressive?"

(y/n)" killing a raptor"

d- caff" AHA YOU OW ME $30 EATCH"

they both grownd

(y/n)" ok now i see you you 3 thought it was hell"

Oscar " kid why are you even going here its just a camp"

billy" hes mostly gowing because his girlfriend and uncle is there "

d-caff" wow kid 3 uncles your lucky I had 2 step dads and a uncle who did nothing but drink"

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