here comes the Calverley

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*(y/n) pov*


an alarm then blast through out a speaker

speaker" ATTENTION all park gowers must report to the south ferry Dock immediately for evacuation the last ferry leaves in 2 hours"

brooklyn" thats it ? no explanation that all we get?"

(y/n)" ok we gotta move"

brooklyn " the only way we can make it in time is if we run"

(y/n)" ok then new problem.our runer cand run"

yasmina" im fine"

(y/n)" yes because this screems fine"

yasmina " its just a torn bit of cartilage. you should be more worried about ben and bumpy"

(y/n)" sorry yaz that's not happening.oh and Ben were not taking bumpy of the island"

ben" why not?"

(y/n)" 2 resons number 1 she's dead wate number 2 its illegal to bring a dinosaur to the main land"

God!!! im stressed out just need to keep my mind clear and positive

ok just think back to when you met brooklyn and your life got 60% better


it was 12 30 am and it was raining

dad had just gotten drunk and had passed out in my uncle Oscar's truck

thats gonna be one helluva story when he wakes up

???"ugh GOD DAME IT"

my jolted towards the voice

it was a girl with pink hair tighed up in a bun wearing a light punk jacket

she was on her phone trying to get a signal

well shit gess were both on back luck street

I tern away to deal with my drunk ass dad till she called out to me

???" hey you"

(y/n)" yes?"

???" do you know where the nearest place with WiFi is? I need to call a cab"

(y/n)" oh sorry most places with WiFi would be closed by now"

???" DAME IT!!!"

(y/n)" my phone as 4 G if you whana piggyback off of it for a few minutes"

???" r.really?"

(y/n)" of course here hold on"

I turn on my 4 G and shortly after she's able to call her cab

???" thanks. im brooklyn by the way"

(y/n)" im (y/n)"

brooklyn " nice to meet you"

(y/n)" well any way I've gotta get back to my dad before he does something stupid like he always does when he's drunk"

brooklyn" oh what"

(y/n)" well one time he stole a tractor and crashed said tractor into a a small shed"

she let out a giggle

brooklyn " so you dads the drunk crazy type?"

(y/n)" no he's the more you piss me off you die type"

she laughed at my remark

he taxi then arrived and she starts walking towards it

brooklyn " well this was fun mabe we could go get coffee sometime?"

(y/n)" yeah shore id like that"

brooklyn " ok Well bye"

*end flashback*

I was awoken from my thoughts by a roar


and now the angry,vengeful monster of a carnotoros was running at us no no no NO I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU
I was about to turn into my giga form to end this basterd when he was scared of by gun fire


no fucking WAY


the helicopter landed and out came my father and my 2 non biological uncles

billy" KID"

(y/n)" DAD"

he ran up to me and huged me tight

billy " its ok we're gonna get the lot of you off of this island. ok"

(y/n)" ok. dad id like you to meet everyone,ben,bumpy,yas,kenji,darius,backstabber"

sammy " HEY I have a name"

(y/n)" you have lost all the trust a had for you so I refuse to call you by your name"

billy " what did she do?"

(y/n)" she stole my girlfriends phone and lied about it so she could steal dino DNA"

almost immediately dad,Oscar and d-caff had there guns drawn on sammy

d-caff " Oscar throw her in cuffs"

*authors note*

hey sorry it took so long but I needed to re watch session 1 of cc and im also working on some other stories

and im back at my actual job so chapter updated will be slower then normal just saying

have a good day

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