welcome to jurassic world part 2

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*(y/n) pov*

grate first a glass shard in my skull then 50 cal bullits in my back now pteranodons whats next FUCKING GODZILLA

everything was blank in my mind so I just followed the other till we came across the kayak river but I'm in to mutch pain to care or pay attention or stay awake

so I passed out on the ground

*brooklyn pov*

brooklyn " (Y/N)!!!!"

I run up to his unconscious body but the blood that was pooling on the floor slipped me up

before I could get up I notis he wasn't breathing

no one else moved no one said anything

I just cried thinking the worst

kenji " well thats just our luck"

ben" what?"

Kenji " our only source of defence and only person who truly new the layout of this island just happened to pass out and is now becoming a predictor magnet. oh thank you oh thank you very much Mr yoder"


every ones eyes winst

yasmina slowly walked up to him and put tow fingers on his kneck

yasmina " has still has a pulse i think he's in a pain coma "

darius " a what?"

yasmina " thats when your in so much pain your body makes you pass out"

ben" ok I've got an idea well live him by that tree,go grab help and get out of here"

brooklyn " and let something rip his flesh apart whilst were gone,yea thats not happening"

ben" well we can't drag him with us"

brooklyn " we did last time"

ben" last time we had a van"

god he had a pont but I'm not living the person I love to die

yasmina " whats that?"

she ponts to a red stick coming from (y/n) pocket

I pulled it out and its a flair

I now know what to do

brooklyn " ok so we place the flair on the ground by his body and light it the dinos will think its a fire and stay away and a rescue team will come and get him"


*(y/n) pov*

my eyes slowly opened and revealed that I was in a bed in a tent

(y/n)" the hell is happening?"

???" oh your up ,your father will be happy to know your still alive"

ok now whos this character?

I use what little energy I had left to look in the direction of the voice and saw a man possibly in his early 50s holding a elephant rife

I use what little energy I had left to look in the direction of the voice and saw a man possibly in his early 50s holding a elephant rife

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(y/n)" who the hell are you?"

???" im the man your father payed to help get you of this island my names roland "

(y/n)" what the hell happened to me?"

roland " I found you unconscious on the ground with your skull open,so I did some quick medical work because I doubt if your father saw you in the state you were in he would probably kill me and sell my organs on the black market"

now I remember the crash the bullets the pteranodons the....wate were are the others?

(y/n)" you haven't seen 6 others right?"

roland" I have indeed I saw them on the river heading north"

but the river that heads to the costs goses west the river that go's north goses to.
the mosasaurus tank


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