happy birthday Eddie

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*brooklyn pov*

everyone was walking behind darius as he was the leader till (y/n) came back....if he comes back

no no no brooklyn don't think those thoughts he's coming back

a snap then happened behind us witch made everyone jump

ben " sorry I stepped on a twig"

brooklyn " oh come on"

yasmina " oh my god"

sammy " you gave me a hart attack"

kenji" I should step on you"

darius " its ok ben we're all on edge"

sammy" we've been out here a while now we shore where heading in the right direction?"

brooklyn " what way is the sun facing?"

yasmina " what good is that?"

brooklyn " the sun rises in the east and sets in the wast its a natural compuss"

everyone then looks in the sky for a moment

yasmina " where heading south"

darius " ok good we're heading in the right way"

ben " guy are we going to wait for (y/n)?"

sammy " why bother hes most likely dead"

brooklyn " DONT SAY THAT!!!"

yasmina " come brooklyn face the facts hes by himself probably covered in blood hes not come back"

I couldn't hold back any more and broke down crying

yasmina " brooklyn im.."


I just walked ahead of the group to cry

ben" oh way to go yas"

yasmina " I didn't mean it"

kenji " but you still said it and now we have to deal with the water works. witch will bring more dinos if we die its you fault"

yasmina was silent but I could tell she regretted what she said but it didn't help

darius " besides there's no prof hes death so hes not dead until proven dead right"

???" who died"

that voice

my head jolted towards the voice and my hart started beating faster

brooklyn " (Y/N)!!!"


I ran towards him but stopped when I saw the stat he was in

his face had all sorts of cuts and scars,his right eye was closed so it probably was gone,his left arm was as limp as ruber,and his right les was bent in a way that wasn't natural

darius " are you ok?"

(y/n)" im in pain and can see well but other then that I feel great but I have both two peases of good news and bad news"

sammy " good news first"

(y/n)" first of the white dinosaur is pind down under some hevey scrap so she'll be gon for long and second of my dad coming here with a choper and a m134 minigun"

kenji " OH THANK GOD"


yasmina " whats the bad news"

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