things fall apart

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*(y/n) pov*

it was about 3 am and I was tired but the A.C.U team told me a suchomimus had gotten loos and they needed me to track it

for God's sake why have a containment team if they can't do shit

anyway after the battle I had a large bite mark across my left arm and I think some of the suchomimus blood mixed with mine so I might wanna get that checked out because as far as I know I might have the dinosaur equivalent of ads

the second I got back to the tree house I passed out on the bed next to my girlfriend

the next day practically everyone was mopy after yesterday expecting brooklyn because as far as I was aware she was still asleep and darius who was trying to lighten the mood

darius " what up camp cretaceous whoo hoo"

kenji " not in a whoo hoo mood this morning darius not after yesterday's trekking though the rainstorm"

ben" we only had to walk because you crashed our gyrosphere"

ben then starts nervously drinking his juice

I'm just trying to stop the blood from poring out of my arm and lower shoulder

darius " but today is a new day kayak day who doesn't wanna paddle along side dinosaurs real dinosaurs its going to be awesome!!! right (y/n)?"

he started turning to face me and I panicked because I have a bleeding possibility infected injury so I just threw a blanket over it but the blood just sept through the blanket

darius " are you ok? your arms is bleeding"

I sighed and dropped the blanket leting them see the bite mark

everyone gasped

yasmina " what happened? your arm is gushing blood"

(y/n)" angry suchomimus that's what happened the A.C.U soldiers were to lazy to do there job so they needed me to deal with an escaped carnivore"

ben" did you win?"

kenji " what kind of question is that of course he did hes still here isn't he?"

ben" good pont"

sammy " any way when are dave and roxy gonna be here?"

(y/n)" oh dave and roxy are talking to there boss about something I couldn't give a dame about"

brooklyn then walks is and she looks more pisst them now dad after his favourite kricet team loses

yasmina" brooklyn whats new on the Internet? superstar"

brooklyn " i wouldn't know because when I went to grab my phone from its charger it wasn't there !! someone stole my pho- JESUS CHRIST (Y/N) WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU YOUR LEAKING BLOOD ALL OVER THE PLACE!?!?"

(y/n)" dino fight doesn't matter lets just find your phone do you have the charger?"

brooklyn " right here why?"

I turn into my raptor form and she gets the idea immediately but the other don't

yasmina " I dont get it"

brooklyn " you know how police officers use dogs to find missing people?"

yasmina " yes"

brooklyn " well its like that"

ben" so basically (y/n)'s like a blood hound?"

brooklyn " pritty much"

First the sent led to mine and brooklyn's room then the kitchen then.........sammy

jurassic world camp cretaceous x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now