Of Fish-Ponies, Annabeth, and Peanut Butter Sandwiches

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A normal day at Camp Half-Blood would consist mostly of training, hanging out with friends, and ending with a campfire. A normal day was one of the best days. A day

filled with a perfect sense of chaos that one can only achieve at the camp.

Today however, was not a normal day. It was better.


Percy had been taking a peaceful nap when the cyclopes burst in. It was one of the rare times he fell asleep without any problems. Normally, nightmares would have followed him like stray animals looking for food, but Hypnos seemed to take mercy on him this time.

The much needed rest was interrupted by a very enthusiastic, six foot cyclope. When the door slammed open, Percy jolted awake. He was bleary eyed and startled, but managed to groggily pull Riptide from his pockets.

He stopped when he heard a familiar voice below, "Percy!" He had no time to respond when he was suddenly enveloped in a rib crushing hug.

While it was almost impossible to breathe from the arms of this individual, Percy squeezed out a single word.

"Tyson?" The arms let go, to reveal the owner. Percy's half brother. Tyson. He looked the same as always, his big, calf brown eye lighted with happiness. The young cyclops was maybe a few centimeters taller, but that was the only noticeable difference. To his big wide hands, to his messy brown hair he was unmistakably the same.

After recovering from the crushing hug and surprising awakening, Percy gave Tyson a wide grin and tackled him with a hug of his own. He had missed Tyson, but was glad he was living his best life in Poseidon's palace. Still, seeing his half brother after months was a happy surprise.

"Tyson, what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy about being awoken by being crushed to death with a hug." Percy said.

Tyson bounced a little on his heels and rambled out, "Boss said I did good work. Let me take the summer off. Said to take a break,"

Percy was happy that Tyson got the summer off. He knew that Tyson worked hard, and was glad to see him take a break.

"That's great, buddy. Really. So you decided to come to Camp Half-Blood?"

"Yes. For fish ponies, and Annabeth." Tyson thought for a moment before adding, "And peanut butter sandwiches made by magic plates. Those are good. Very very good,"

Percy let out a chuckle before patting his cyclops brother on the back and getting up from his bunk.

"Annabeth is pretty cool, I won't argue with that. Speaking of her, I think she would be happy to see you,"

Tyson let out something halfway between a happy squeal and a laugh. "We see her now?"

Percy nodded, "I think she's sparring with the Ares kids right now. Or she could be reading some architecture book, you never know with that girl."

He waved his hand to motion Tyson to follow him, and strode out of the Poseidon cabin with a very happy cyclops in tow.


They eventually found Annabeth in the strawberry fields, reading an architecture book as Percy had predicted. She was sitting cross legged, with her book in her lap. Annabeth's curly blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and almost covered the book. She tucked it back a couple times and looked up when she heard the approaching footsteps of both Percy and Tyson.

Her stormy gray eyes first noticed Percy, giving him a smile, then she looked at the tall figure behind him. Annabeth looked a little surprised but it was quickly replaced by fondness.

"Tyson?" She called, "It's so good to see you! What are you doing here?" She carefully slid her bookmark into the book, and got up from the grass. Dusting off her denim shorts, she made her way to the boys.

Percy's mind noted how pretty she was, before snapping back into the present.

Tyson ran over to the daughter of Athena, giving her a hug no doubt as crushing as the one he had given Percy. He then gave the same short explanation that he had given Percy. The one about his boss letting him have the summer off because of his hard work in the forges.

"Well then, I guess we have the entire summer to do things," She stated.

Percy nodded, "Things like eating peanut butter sandwiches, hanging out with Annabeth, and riding fish ponies. Not all at the same time I hope," When Annabeth gave him a strange look, Percy pointed to Tyson, "His words not mine,"

Tyson nodded solemnly, "Yes. Do fun things like that," Percy and Annabeth nodded along with him.

They stayed like that for a while, chatting and exchanging stories. Percy told about how he had graduated from his school that year, Annabeth said something about how her stepmom and her were warming up to each other, and Tyson of course told of all the wonderful things he had built under the sea in Poseidon's place.

The warm summer air set the mood, and everything felt perfect. Percy wanted it to stay like this forever. No more quests, no more monsters, no more saving the world. Just me, Annabeth, and my other friends. He thought.

Sadly time didn't freeze, it just kept moving forward. Annabeth pointed out how it was almost time for dinner, and they all made their way to the dining pavilion.

They arrived just as the conch horn blew, signaling it was time for dinner. People slowly started to flood into the pavilion. Tyson made his way to the magic plates, and took one. When it was in his hands, a stack of peanut butter sandwiches was on it. Tyson giggled with glee, and picked the "Best" one to drop into the fire as burnt offerings.

Percy picked up a plate too, and sat down at the Poseidon table. He watched with amusement as Tyson gobbled sandwich after sandwich.

"Slow down, Tyson! At this rate I think you've eaten more peanut butter sandwiches than cups of wine Mr. D has drank," He laughed. Tyson reluctantly did, and Percy bit into his smoked brisket. He glanced at the Athena table where Annabeth was laughing at something her siblings were saying. She looked so happy and beautiful in the light of the campfire.

He let out a contented sigh and continued to eat his brisket. The night wind was cool, and the stars in the sky were brilliant against the inky black sky.

It really had been a great day.


Authors note: 

Rereading my writing always makes me nervous and embarrassed. 


I haven't been active on wattpad lately so I hope this can make up for it. Yep. Old one shots I wrote like 2 days ago so they can't exactly be qualified as old. 

Alright the least I can hope is that you enjoyed my very ooc writing. 

(I only realized now that I copy and pasted it 2 times. Why am I like this?) 

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