
13 1 1

(The title was also taken from a song. It's called Despair by Leo. I think. I'm too lazy to check.

Another notable thing to mention that Annabeth is 13 in this...)  

Annabeth was a mess. She definitely was. There was no doubt about it. Why else would she be feeling like this? She was lying on her bunk in the Athena cabin trying to figure out what was happening to her.

A few moments before, Percy had told her she looked nice. Annabeth had been wearing tiny owl earrings that her dad gave her as a gift. It was her first time wearing them, and despite not having changed anything about her, it made her feel... pretty.

Percy had noticed them while they were sparring in the arena. He took one look, and said, "Those earrings are pretty, you look nice with them on."

Annabeth should have just responded with, "Thanks, Seaweed Brain, but compliments aren't going to save you from me beating your butt in this match," and a grin to go along with it, maybe a playful punch.

It shouldn't have made her face go hot, and cause her to stutter. It shouldn't have made her stomach conjure up a storm of butterflies. It shouldn't have made her feel like she was walking on air.

Then why, oh why did it?

Annabeth had turned the color of a tomato, and stuttered out a reply that was something close to "T-thanks..." Or "Ye- Yes,"

She had sounded like an idiot. That was the worst thing about it. She- Annabeth Chase, daughter of the goddess of wisdom had turned into a fumbling fool.

And because why? Because he said I looked nice with earrings on?

Annabeth let out an indigent huff, and shifted around on her bunk. Shortly after he had complimented her, Percy had beat her in the match. Not her greatest moment.

She had been distracted by the compliment, repeating it over and over in her head. Those earrings are pretty, you look nice with them on. Maybe that's why she had lost, but she would never admit it.

Annabeth had congratulated Percy, saying that she would get him next time before stumbling back to her cabin with what felt like an army of butterflies in her stomach.

She was still pitying, and loathing herself for the way she acted, when her half brother, Malcolm Pace walked into the cabin.

"Hey, Annabeth. Uh... what are you doing?"

"Nothing" She answered quickly, and sat up in her bunk, trying not to look like she was blushing in the moments before. "What do you need?"

Malcolm was sadly not one to let something go, so instead he ignored her question and pressed. "Your face is really red. Are you okay? You look like you drank a gallon of tomato juice,"

"It's nothing! What did you come here for? Shouldn't you be at your activities?"

His eyes narrowed, "I could say the same to you,"

"I have Ancient Greek with Percy. He's still sparring with some other campers, I left a little early because I..."

Malcolm just stared at her, waiting for her to continue her sentence. "You..?"

Suddenly it hit her. It was a little mortifying, but it could explain her behavior. "What's it like to have a crush?" She blurted out. So abrupt that Malcolm blinked a few times before registering her question.

"What does this have to do with leaving sparring practice early? Wait, don't tell me-" He was cut off by Annabeth who was even redder now.

"Nevermind anything I said, it doesn't matter. It's not relevant. I was just curious. Like I said before, what are you doing here? You know what, it doesn't matter. I should get going, I don't want to be late for ancient greek with Percy," She knew she was rambling, and she wasn't convincing him at all, but she didn't know how to stop.

"Annabeth, stop," Malcolm commanded. "You're rambling, now tell me, why exactly do you want to know this?"

She fiddled with her Camp Half-Blood shirt, the old worn thing's script barely legible. "I don't exactly know what it feels like to like someone. I liked Luke, I think. Maybe once. But maybe it was more admiration," (Cue me forgetting that Annabeth is only 13 in this one shot and she hasn't really gotten over Luke yet)

His gaze softened a bit, and he sat down next to her. "I don't really know what it feels to like someone either. I'm only a year older than you Annabeth. I don't think you should be asking me anything, except maybe things I know,"

Annabeth snorted, "You know a lot of things. Your Athena's child," Malcolm smiled.

"So are you, and you should know that you should always get your information from a reliable source. Which I am not, you shouldn't be asking me. Maybe you should ask someone from the Aphrodite cabin,"

She nodded her head. Knowing that she would never be asking anyone from the Aphrodite cabin. As nice as some of them were, gossip always seemed to get around after telling them something.

"Now, will you tell me why you're really here?" Annabeth said, trying to change the subject. Malcolm blissfully let it slide. He grinned sheepishly.

"We were going kayaking in the lake, and I fell in. I came in to get a change of clothes," Malcolm reliped.

Besides being a bit damp, Malcolm didn't seem like he had plunged into the refreshing waters of the lake. Annabeth assumed that the blazing summer sun had mostly dried him. Apollo was quite active in summer.

"Off my bunk! You're going to get it wet!" Annabeth laughed. She knew that he wasn't nearly soaked enough to dampen her bunk, but it was fun to tease him.

Malcolm just rolled his eyes, and sauntered off to his bunk, grabbing a change of clothes and locking himself in the bathroom.

While he was there in the bathroom, leaving her alone, Annabeth reflected on their conversation. Did she really like Percy? Her mind conjured up a mental image of him. His sea green eyes, his jet black hair, and lopsided grin. She did think he was cute. Admitting that, even in her mind, made her flush red.

She shook her head. No. He was just a friend. Annabeth might like him, but he is just a friend, and always will be. With that comforting thought, she mustered up the courage to face him again in ancient greek.

Just a friend. Just a friend.

No matter how much she wanted them to be more.

Author note: 

Yes it's shorter. But it's Percabeth fluff so hope that makes up for it. 

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