Finger Paints

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It had been a quiet day at the infamous demigod camp. It was almost suspicious. Actually, it was suspicious. There hadn't been a single explosion, or mass destruction of any objects. That was rare for a camp full of half gods with ADHD.

Percy frowned as he pondered this, walking back to his cabin after teaching the youngsters some swordplay. He had entered the arena to an almost empty class. Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration but about half the class of 13-9 year olds were missing. That was, to say the least, concerning.

When Percy had questioned the others who were there, they just shrugged and gave him a look like why are you asking the 12 year old? Since he really couldn't do anything about it except ask Chiron, he just went on with the class.

The rest of the class had gone smoothly, but he still wondered what a bunch of middle schoolers could be up to during sword practice. Nothing good he thought back to when he was that age. Definitely nothing good.

His thoughts were interrupted by the destination of his cabin. The familiar sight of the rough stone walls, and coral decorated cabin momentarily averted his attention from the missing half of the sword class.

Percy opened the door of his cabin, and made his way inside. He walked up to his bunk, and promptly layed down on it. He hadn't realized how tired he was until laying down. Even though the class went smoothly, teaching hyper children who don't want to be taught is a hard thing to do, ladies and gentlemen. (Respect your teachers, children)

After a few heartbeats of laying down in silence and peace, Percy sighed. He hefted himself up. As much as he would like to lay around his bed all day, he had chores to do. Such as armory inspection.

At that moment, a knock from the door sounded. Percy opened the door, to reveal his wonderful, and smart girlfriend. Annabeth. Dressed in a simple Camp Half-Blood shirt, and jean shorts she looked casual. But that didn't stop Percy's heart from jumping at the sight of her.

She smiled at him. "Hey, Seaweed Brain. Wanna do chores together?"

"Hmm? Do boring chores by myself or do them with company, and not be bored to death?"

She feigned a thoughtful look, and tapped her finger on her cheek. "A difficult question indeed."

"So what chores do you have? I've got armory check," Percy said.

"Dish duty,"

"I take it back. Maybe I'll just die of boredom. Dish duty is the worst,"

"Nope. It's too late. You're obligated to come now. Don't leave me to suffer this alone,"

"Fine. But you're helping me too"

"I thought that was kind of the deal," Annabeth turned on her heel to make her way to the armory, "So I guess we're starting with yours?"

And just like that, Percy forgot about the chaos that 12 year olds who skipped much needed sword practice could possibly be doing. Instead he focused on the daughter of Athena who was helping him with his chores.


Halfway through sorting pointy objects and narrowly avoiding chopping off fingers, Percy asked Annabeth if she had noticed any of the younger campers missing.

She furrowed her brow, and answered. "Not really, but then again I've spent most of my day in my cabin,"

"Reading architecture books, no doubt," Percy joked.

"Yes," she said nonchalantly. Sitting on the dusty floor of the shed she was inspecting a dagger with great interest.

He let out a chuckle. With dyslexia it was hard enough to read English, much less the ancient Greek that Annabeth's books contained. Despite their minds being wired for the language, it was still somewhat of a challenge to read it. Only Annabeth would do it for fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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