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No one's Pov.

There's a school, in which the students who want to stay back can stay in the rooms,

This is when the roommates must be decided for whoever's staying.

"Alright, it's the first day of the you all staying in the rooms, from now on, whoever are the roommates, please keep a few things in mind,
First, no roaming in the school after bedtime.
Second, no fighting, if there is any complaint, you can call the teacher or the respective person around you from the school authority.
Third, no pranks to be played after bedtime."

The teacher completed and all the students said "Yes ma'am!" concomitantly.

"Hello! I'm new here, what's your name?" A young girl came to Evelyn.

"Aw hi, I'm Evelyn, what's your name?" She bent down to reach the height of the little girl.

"I'm Lily! Can we be friends?" She smiled so cute that Evelyn couldn't say no.

"Sure." Evelyn smiled.

"Okay, everyone please gather up after school today, only who's staying back. Thankyou, have a good day."
The teacher said and then everyone went back to their respective classes.

In Evelyn's class, there's a new student.
"Everyone, there is a new student transfer from Berlin to here, please welcome her." The class teacher said and as soon as the door opened, all eyes shot on the new girl, trying to look at her face but probably she's shy, that's why she's looking the other way.
She transferred in a new school because her old one well, shut down, and she shifted to this town to find her long lost sister, and this was the best school she could find in urgency.

"Please introduce yourself, dear." The teacher said.

"H-hi everyone, I'm Emma, nice to m-meet you." She stuttered.

"Emma you can go and sit next to Evelyn."
Emma nodded and walked towards where Evelyn was sitting.

"H-hi, Evelyn."
"It's me, come sit." She smiled.

Then, the teachers continued to teach their respective subjects.
Throughout all the classes, Emma barely spoke anything.

- After School -

"So Emma, are you gonna stay back?" Evelyn asked as she swung her backpack on her shoulder.

"Yeah, cause my parents are still in Berlin, and I don't wanna live at home alone so.." Evelyn saw her smile a bit for the first time in the whole day.

"Yeah true... anyways, let's go!" Evelyn and Emma happily went as Evelyn held Emma's wrist, dragging her to move faster.

"Alright, is everyone here?" The teacher asked as they all stood in a line.

"Yes ma'am!"
All said in unison.
"Okay, now, first roommates..."
She continued to take out some names of the students and then finally...

"The roommates for room 111 would be Ms. Emma and Evelyn."
They both jumped in excitement and had huge smiles plastered on their faces.

"Everyone may go home first, to take their clothes and essential supplies which they might need. Around 2pm, I want everyone here, thankyou, go safe."
The teacher left.

"Hey, where do you live by the way? I mean is your home close by here?" Emma asked.

"Umm, actually I can't go home... because... actually never- mind.. to answer your question, yes it is close by."
Evelyn hesitated to tell the truth to her new friend.
Emma nodded, but she knew there's something off.

"Anyways, let's meet near the main gate of the school after getting all the stuff!" Both of them agreed and went on their ways.

Evelyn wondered where she should go, her grandparent's house or her parents house.
She knew if she shows up at her grandparents house, they will shoot more hundred questions to her as to why she's here and not at her house.

So she decided to go to the danger place, where she has been given nothing but hatred and disgusting stares.

"M-mom.. it's me.."
She said as she rang the bell of the huge mansion door.

"How are you darling?" Her mom, actually no, her step-mom hugged her.

"I'm fine. I came to get some of my clothes. Now, if I may.." she excused herself away from her step mom and ran straight to her room.

She opened the door and immediately felt tears coming down her cheek. It was all messed up. She hates when anyone touches her room and makes things messy without even making it tidy later, but well, she can't really do anything.

She slowly tip-toed, to make sure there's no sharp object that might come beneath her foot.

She packed some clothes, her toothbrush, sunglasses, and some more basic stuff she might need.

After packing, she quickly ran out of the house, ignoring all the confused and hate stares her family members were giving her.

"Hey!" Evelyn said while panting, to Emma who just reached near the gate.

"Aw hi; let's gooo!" Emma excitedly dragged Evelyn inside.

"Here's our room!" Emma said as she unlocked the door with the key-card she got from their allotted teacher/supervisor/helper.

"Woah!" Emma and Evelyn gasped as they looked around the huge yet cozy room.
Evelyn jumped on the bed and enjoyed the fluffy and soft bed.

"Hey, sleep later, first settle your bag inside this wardrobe." Emma said in a bossy tone.

"Ahhh please do it for me, I'm too tired.." Evelyn requested and Emma sighed.

She shoved the bags inside and sat on the bed, beside the tired Evelyn.

"Let's sleep for sometime." Evelyn yawned.
"You sleep, I have some stuff to work on." Emma took out her laptop and Evelyn slept.

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