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It was the next day and I was waiting by a park where Jungkook said he'd meet me.

Part of me was definitely regretting asking him to join me looking for a dress. Especially since it was going to be a club dress since the birthday girl decided to rent an expensive club for the day.

I suddenly squealed as I felt a hand pinch the side of my waist as Jungkook came in front of me from behind, "Waiting for long, babe?"

"Yeah ages!" I pouted as I rubbed over where he pinched, "Let's go or this'll take forever."

He shrugged and followed beside you, looking you up and down, "You look nice."

"Just nice?" You looked back up at him, "That's all you got?"

He cleared his throat before mumbling, "Duh.. It's not like I like you or anything."

"Right..." You rolled your eyes as he quickened your pace.

"Yah! What? I don't!" He said, catching up too.

"You asked me to go with you to Haeun's party and even said you'd pay for my food the whole day just for it." You stopped walking and faced him, crossing your arms.

He went quiet, "Maybe I just don't want to be alone.."

"Jungkook, knowing you, your hyungs will be there too, at least one of them." 

"Untrue! I do things without them!"

"So Jimin isn't coming to the party?" You raised an eyebrow. 

"He is but-"

"See!" You laughed, "It's okay to admit you like me, who wouldn't?"

This time Jungkook rolled his eyes at you, "You like me too, or you wouldn't have accepted the offer."

"I like food, not you. Even medicines that save your life have annoying side effects. That, Jungkook, is you." You smiled innocently at him after continuing to walk, he groaned out in frustration and just followed silently behind.

It wasn't long till he spoke up again, gasping at seeing an ice cream van down the road, "(Y/N) let's get ice cream!"

Before you could even reply the boy was across the road on his way to the van. You sighed and this time you followed him instead but the time you got there he had already gotten an ice cream cone.

He came running but with an undeniably adorable smile on his face, stopping right in front of you and showing you the ice cream proudly, "Look!"

You pouted, "Only one?"

"They ran out of colourful cones... So I got one with two scoops!"

"What about normal cones?"

"Oh they had plenty of those," His face then scrunched in disgust, "But who wants that? We can share this!" 

You couldn't help but smile back at how endearing he was being.

"I'll even let you have the first lick," He nodded and passed it to you, you shook your head and passed it back.

"It's okay, I'll have a bit later." 

He hummed in response and started licking at the mint chocolate chip ice cream.

You continued going back to the stores and eventually found one that didn't look crazily expensive.

You walked in as he blindly came close behind, focused on his ice cream when a voice made both of your heads look up.

"Jungkook?" A blonde haired girl came up to the both of you, she looked up at the boy with wide eyes. She was extremely pretty, and her makeup was basically flawless, even without the makeup you could tell she was still beautiful.

"Hi Damin," He replied reluctantly, he looked almost uncomfortable because of her presence.

"It's been a while," She moved closer to him, a hand holding onto his arm, "You still look good." 

For some reason, something about her touching him made you feel extremely agitated, watching how the closer she got the more he tried to move away. 

You stood closer to Jungkook and made yourself come into her eyesight. 

She looked at you, back at Jungkook before looking back at you again. A smile so forced plastered across her face. "Are you Jungkook's girlfriend?"


"No? Then stay out of this." She moved Jungkook closer to her as she spoke too.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that, Damin," He replied, clearly growing impatient.

"Why? Do you like her, Kookie?" She tilted her head, "What about me?" 

You came in between them again, this time ripping her claws off his arm and standing right infront of her. "You work here, don't you?"

She was about to push you to the side when you held onto her shoulders and pushed her back first, "Answer my question."

She scoffed before rolling her eyes, "Can't you see? I'm wearing the uniform aren't I?"

"Then go and do your fucking job instead of harassing a customer." 

She stared at you with cursed eyes, "Customer? You don't know anything about us. He's-"

"My boyfriend," You said first, gritting your teeth in frustration. 

Damin let out a laugh as she saw Jungkook's reaction to you saying those words, "Really? Prove it." 

"(Y/N)?" He held onto you from behind, "Let's just go." 

You smiled innocently at Damin as you stepped closer to her, "Prove it? Of course." You turned to Jungkook and took the ice cream from his hand, you faced back at her before tilting your head, "Your face is a little red though... Here, I'll help you cool down."

Damin suddenly felt a freezing cold dessert shoved into her face before hearing the ice cream cone get smashed onto the floor.

"Know your place, darling." You watched her gasp and squeal in front of you, feeling satisfied before your eyes widened at seeing security coming your way. 

"Jungkook- Run!" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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