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"Hyung, you're leaving again?" I ask as I sit on the sofa, Junghyun had already left the house this morning to drop of Haeun and some friend of hers that apparently stayed here last night. He hadn't came back for a few hours and arrived just in time for lunch, which I had to cook since he was late.

"I'm going to meet up with Haeun's friend." My brother states, I raise an eyebrow at him and he just scoffs, "Jungkook, you know very well that I would never cheat on Haeun. I'm getting a birthday present for her and her friend is helping me choose one."

"When's Noona's birthday?" I say, yawning.

"Sunday." Junghyun checks the date on his phone then puts it back in his pocket, "And it's Wednesday today so you might want to get a present for Haeun soon too. I'm not letting you say that the gift I got her was from you too. Not this year. Not again."

"Fine." I huff as I stand up and head towards my room but Junghyun calls me before I could escape.

"Why don't you come too?" Junghyun suggests, "It'll be a lot easier to get it now rather than Sunday morning."

I turn around, "I'd rather not, I don't want to be a third-wheel while you talk about some weird k-drama with some random girl."

"Then invite one of your friends." Junghyun shrugs, "I'm sure Haeun's friend won't mind, plus I'll have another witness if she kills me today. We aren't exactly the best of friends."

Kills him? He didn't have to survive being with (Y/N)

"Can I call Jiminie Hyung to come?"

"Whoever you want. Just not Yoongi Hyung," My brother shudders at the thought. "He scares me."

I just chuckle, "He's can be intimidating but he isn't scary."

"Well he's got a soft spot for you, youngers." He states. "Basically just you, Jimin and Tae."

"He has a soft spot for all of us," I say, "Some of them just show more at different times."


"Hey, Kookie. Is everything okay?" Jimin said after answering the call, the sound of his voice made me smile immediately.

"Yeah," I speak, "Are you free today?"


"I'm going to town with Junghyun Hyung and he's going to be with someone else and I don't want to be lonely so..."

"So you only want to hang out with me when you feel lonely?"

"No, no! That's not what I meant-"

"I was kidding, Kookie." Jimin laughs, "I can come but Tae's going to have to come too, he's at my house right now."

"I don't mind. I'm heading to town now so just text me when you get there."

"Okay! Bye, Kookie!"

"Bye, Hyung."


You were waiting for Junghyun in town, you had looked in various shops before-hand to see if there was something Haeun would like but your best friend was a very picky and fussy person.

"(Y/N)!" Junghyun tapped me on the shoulder from behind, I turned around and frowned.

"You took forever!"

"Sorry, I had to wait for my brother." He sighs, "He's somewhere here waiting for his friend to show up."

"Your brother? Was he the one who was looking for you last night?" You ask.

Junghyun nods, you then see someone with orange hair a few feet behind him, creeping up on Junghyun and looking to you with their finger to their lips and a smile on their face, signalling you to stay quiet.

"Yahh!" The orange haired male screams as he jumps on the others back, is it just me or does he seem familiar?

Junghyun squeals and then looks up at the face looking down at him, "Holy sh- You scared me!"

You giggle from behind Junghyun, the orange haired male gets off Junghyun's back and greets you with a cute eye smile. "Hi, I'm Jimin."

"I'm (Y/N)." You shake his hand and then look to Junghyun, "Is this your brother?"

"I wish." Junghyun says.

"I'm not his brother, Gorgeous." Jimin chuckles then points to a person in the distance, "He is."

Is that... Jungkook?! Oh god... Please tell me the man next to him is the brother...

"The one with the headband that says Gucci on?" You say, your voice full of hope.

"Wrong one, Gorgeous." Jimin laughs.


"Jungkook! Look over there!" Tae kept getting excited about everything in the shops, he's never been in Busan before but I imagine it isn't that different from Daegu.

"Hurry up." I walk faster and wait for Tae to follow, I roll my eyes when he doesn't even notice I wasn't beside him anymore and take hold of his hand whilst dragging him towards the shop Junghyun said he would be in.

Jimin was already with my brother, he seemed to be speaking to someone else while my brother didn't look too happy. I had zoned out Tae's voice because he was squealing for me to let him go but I knew that if I did he would run off into some random shop and then get lost.

I unconsciously let go of Taehyung as we got closer, Is that... (Y/N)?!

Taehyung ran off immediately, screaming freedom at the top of his lungs. (Y/N) must of noticed me too, her mouth was hanging open in shock.

Junghyun gestured me to come to them with his hand, I obediently did so but my eyes were still stuck on (Y/N).

She then turned to my brother, "You're Jungkook's brother?!"

Junghyun nodded, "Why? Do you two know each other?"

"So you're Jeon Junghyun?!" She exclaimed.

"I hope so, otherwise I wouldn't even know my own name!" My brother chuckled.

I just smirked at (Y/N), she was clearly avoiding looking at me.

"Jungkook! Catch me if you can!" A voice squealed behind me, making me yelp as I jump into the air.

I sighed as I watched Tae run around the mall before turning (Y/N), "I told you we'd meet again. It's destiny so what can I say? Anyway, I've got to catch the maniac behind me so bye, princess!"

And with that I ran off, before Jimin, Junghyun or - most importantly - (Y/N) could respond.

A/N -Sorry for the late chapter! And for the boring chapter... I promise it will get better soon!!

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