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You get woken up by the sound of water hitting the floor. You rub your eyes and sit up in the bed, looking around the room.

The sound of running water doesn't stop and it's preventing you from going back to sleep.

Sadly, hiding under the blankets doesn't make the noise go away and you don't want to leave the bed.

So instead you stare at the bathroom door, hoping the water will stop soon.

Eventually, the room's silent and you're about to lie back down when the bathroom door swings open.

You squeal and hide under the blanket again at the sight.

"What is it?" Jungkook asks.

"You- Put some clothes on!" You say loudly.

"I'm not naked, (Y/N). Calm down." Jungkook chuckles. "I'm wearing a towel."

You drag a pillow to your side, hugging the life out of it as you speak. "I know but..."

"But?" Jungkook prompts.

"You aren't wearing a shirt." You state.

"Is Song (Y/N) being shy?" He teases, "I never thought I would ever see you blush."

"I am not blushing." You mumble.

"Tell that to your beet red face." He laughs. "I've got a shirt on now, you can stop hibernating and get out of the bed."

You reluctantly get out of the bed, avoiding eye contact with the taller. You make your way to the bathroom to have a shower but Jungkook's voice stops you.

"How old are you?" He randomly asks.

"Nineteen." You answer. "Why?"

"I'm twenty." Jungkook smirks. "I'm older, you should respect me."

"You should work for it," You huff.


She left to have a shower so I took the chance to get changed and rest on the bed for a while.

I had slept on the chair last night, letting her sleep on the bed.

There was no way I would share a bed with her... Plus I NEED to get rid of her before the hyungs find out.

After about fifteen minutes she came out of the bathroom, wearing clothes that were similiar to her pyjamas.

"Don't you have work?" I wonder.

"Not today." She shakes her head and wanders around the room, dialling a number on her phone.

She puts it to her ear and speaks, "Haeun... No, I didn't get kidnapped... I was with a friend... Yes, he is really annoying... Um, I meant she... Okay, bye. Love you!"

I stared at her for a moment, "You say 'love you' to your friends?"

She just nods and suddenly heads towards the door to the corridor. "Bye, Jungkook."

"Where are you going?" I ask, following her.

"To book another room." She says.

"I'll come with you." I state, running up to her and walking beside her as she goes to the elevator.

She stops and turns on her heels at my words, "Won't your hyungs see you?"

"They've all gone somewhere to have breakfast."

"Why didn't you go with them?" She asks.

I just shrug, "Didn't feel hungry."

The door for the elevator opened and a group of people walked out, staring at both me and (Y/N).

"Who were they?" I whisper over to (Y/N) when they had gone out of sight.

"People from work." She sighs.

"Why were they looking at you like that?" I question as we get into the elevator.

"They were looking at you!" She laughs. "The only reason they looked at me was because they were wondering what on earth I was doing with a guy that looks..."

"Handsome? Charming? Elegant?" I offer.

"That looks like the devil's pet." She chuckles.

"Oh, ha ha." I say coldly. "Guess what."

"What?" She mutters.

"We're alone in an elevator." I smirk.

"So? We were alone in a hotel room all night." She points out.

"I know but you slept the whole night." I say.

"What else am I supposed to do alone in a room with a guy?" She asks.

Before I could answer she puts her hand over my mouth. "Actually, don't answer that."

There was a loud noise as the doors to the elevator split open for us to get out, we made our way to the counter at the front and the lady behind it smiled. "How may I help you, sir?"

"Actually," I pushed (Y/N) forward, ignoring the fact she almost fell over because of it. "She's the one that needs help."

"Oh, okay!" The lady smiled, "What is it you need assistance with, ma'am?"

"I would like to book a room another room in this hotel." She states clearly.

"Ah, okay. What is the room you are currently in?" The lady asks.

As the lady asked questions and (Y/N) answered I looked around at the paintings on the walls.

After a while a voice knocked me out of my thoughts, "Your girlfriend is leaving, sir." The lady stated.

"Oh!" I turn to where (Y/N) was standing beside me before and then turn around, she was already leaving the building. "(Y/N)!" I call.

She turns around but continues to walk off. "What is it?" She asks when I catch up to her.

"You realise you're in public, right?" I state.

She just nods and gives me a confused look, not seeing the point of my question. "So?"

"You're clothes are a bit..." I trail off, looking at her shorts and tanktop. "Revealing. Won't you get cold?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm hungry so I'm getting food no matter what I'm wearing."

A/N -I'm so glad people like this book! :D Sorry for the boring chapter.

♡Love Ya♡

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