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I was supposed to be asleep but I was wandering around the house instead, "Where did Hyung put my phone charger?"

He took my phone charger a few hours ago, my phone was dead and I needed to text Namjoon Hyung.

"Junghyun is so unfair." I groaned as I searched his room, it had to be somewhere.

Ding dong~

The doorbell rang, I ignored it and tried to find somewhere to hide instead. My room was downstairs and he would definitely see me going down there so I had to hide in here. I'm dead meat if I get caught.

Footsteps were coming up the stairs, the louder they got the faster my heart beated. The door creaked open and was followed by a giggle, "Kookie, I can see your feet sticking out."

I blush and roll out from under the bed, I straighten my clothes out after and smile, "Hey, Noona."

"What are you doing in here?" She goes to sit on the bed and falls back.

"Looking for my phone charger, Hyung hid it." I sigh, "I doubt you know where it is."

She turns her body to face me, "It's in the top draw over there, rummage through it a bit. He hides everything in there."

I flash my bunny smile at Haeun gratefully, she was like my older sister. "Thank you!"

"Now get some sleep, goodnight Kookie." She fell asleep after muttering those words, I whispered goodnight back to her even though she couldn't hear me anymore and headed downstairs.

The living room light was on and the front door was wide open, I went to shut it and as I did a waft of cold air flew over me. I got goosebumps and then shut the door.



You were getting changed in the guest room when you heard voices from the living room, "Hyung?"

It couldn't of been Haeun and it obviously wasn't you so you just shrug your shoulders, "I never knew Junghyun had an older brother." You say to yourself.

After putting on your pyjamas you laid on your back on the bed, staring up at the light in the room.

You somehow manage to roll under the blankets and curl up as you cuddle another pillow. I couldn't sleep though, thoughts just started running through my mind constantly.

"(Y/N)?" A voice called your name and you turned around, "Are you asleep yet?"

"Junghyun," You sit up on the bed, he smiles nervously and sits at the edge of your bed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just..." He trailed off before continuing, "Haeun's birthday is coming up."


"I'm worried." He state. "What if I get her something and she doesn't like it? What if I mess up? What if I forget her birthday? What if I'm just not good enough or-"

"Woah, woah!" You say it loudly to drown out his voice and get him to listen. When his attention focuses on you, you speak quieter. "Everything is going to be fine. She's going to love you whatever you do."

"Really? Will she love me if I dump her?"

"Don't act stupid!" You huff, "Be serious."

That's what you found unappealing about him, he could never take anything seriously even if he started the conversation.

"I was just joking, don't get mad." He laughs and takes hold of your hand. "Please don't get mad, you're scary when you're mad."

You stare down at his hand and then glare back up at Junghyun, he gets the hint and let's go, his charms of acting cute never worked much on you.

"Look just don't get Haeun something too cliché like flowers or chocolate, get her something with more meaning. We can go shopping together to find something for her if you want." You suggest.

"Thank you!" He squeals, "You're the best!" He comes in for a hug but you push him back slowly.

"Not a hugger," You mumble.

"Right..." He says, slightly embarrassed. "Should've guessed that."

"Now get out of my room." You demand, "I'm going to sleep."

"Technically it's my room more than yours because its in my house but-"

"Get out!" You point to the door and watch as Junghyun puts his hands in the air as if surrendering and slowly backs away from your bed and to the door. 

Junghyun stands in the doorway and looks to you, "Should I switch the lights off or-"

"Hyung! There you are!" Someone dragged the older out of the room, luckily Junghyun didn't switch the lights off and also managed to close the door as he was getting pulled away.

You switch your phone off and then lay back in your bed, letting out a sigh of relief before falling asleep.

A/N- This chapter did not go as expected but I'm pretty happy with the result. :D

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