Heart broken

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Me and Chris have been having a lot of sex lately. I've been having waves of nausea and feeling fatigue. I think I might be pregnant, as I was laying in bed I felt like I had to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and as I guessed I started to throw up the food I had from last night. I called Tati to ask her to come over and bring me a pregnancy test.

My Babi Tati😘😘✊💃💜💜💖
"Tati I gotta tell you something"
"Ah what's the problem" she said in her Joseline voice.
"The problem is I been sick for the last week and I think I might be pregnant."
"I'm on my way drink some water so you can take this pregnancy test."
"Ok bye love."
"Bye daddy."
I'm waiting for the test to tell me and I'm a nervous wreck.
"You read it."I said to Tati as she was handing it to me.
"Well...it says your not, but take another one just to be sure." She said as she was handing me a new test.
15 min later
"Wow" Tati said staring at the test.
"What...what does it say." she still didn't say anything so I walked over to her and snatched it from her and read if for myself. I just stared in disbelief "I feel like a total fuck up." tears started to well up in my eyes.
"Don't cry Lexy these things aren't always accurate lets go to the hospital to see, but no matter what I still got you.
The last words I heard before I completely blacked out was "the test came back positive" by the doctors. After that I don't know what happened I was just in total shock. I knew I had to call chris and tell him but I don't know how he is gonna take it, we never even discussed kids before.
As I was fumbled with the keys on my key ring to get in my house Tati grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to her and said
"you need to tell him." With a serious face
"I know just give me some time let me sink this all in first." I said turning the key and opening the door.
"No you need to tell him now, if you won't I will."
"You don't understand we haven't even been together for that long I feel like a hoe, I'm gonna be put out there as the bad person like I'm after his money."
"I understand but u still have to tell him about his child."
"Fine" I said on the verge of tears, I picked up up my phone searched for his contact name and dialed it
"Hello" his deep voice sounded through the phone
"Hey it's me where are you?" I asked curiously because I heard a lot of noise in the background.
"I'm at the studio with the boys, why wassup?"
"I have to tell you something really really important. "
"Ok what is it?"
"Promise me that you won't be mad."
I took a deep breath and sighed "I'm pregnant."
it was dead silence on the phone for about 10 seconds until I decided to break it "chris.... Chris... CHRIS." Then I hear, "BEEP BEEP BEEP notifying me that the call had ended.
Ohhhhhh did chris just hit her with that YEET😂😂😂😂😂😨
Can yall show love and add this jawn to your libraries and share it, I'll show love back by updating and following yall back.✌️😊

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