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The smouldering sun clear the streets with its day-time glow, warmth came in waves as the central winds flew in

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The smouldering sun clear the streets with its day-time glow, warmth came in waves as the central winds flew in. Lucille slapped her feet on the dense, dove sidewalk, her red converse avoiding the cracks that sod and weeds depraved with time. She was on her way to the Cooper household. The girl had always loved that family, they had their quirks, but she still loved them.

"Good morning, Cooper family." She swung open the front door, announcing her arrival.

"Morning Luci. " The family mumbled, her presence being a recurring thing.

Sliding over to Georgie, she leaned on the counter beside him and joined him in his reading. "Mom, Sheldon can't find his bowtie." Missy informed the woman as she waltzed into the room.

"Really? I laid it out for him." Mary responded, getting the milk from the fridge.

"Leave it alone, Mary. He doesn't need a bowtie." The man insisted, fearing for his son.

"It's his first day of school, let him wear what he wants." Mary gritted, wanting her boy to be calm about his first day in high school.

"Mom, I can't find my bowtie!" Sheldon yelled from the there room.

"Dear lord, why's he got to wear a bowtie?" She grumbled, following the boys complaints.

"Can we drive in with you?" Georgie questioned his dad, flipping the pages of his homework.

"Sure." The man nodded.

"I thought we were walking together today?" The red-head threw on a fake face of offence, as she faced the boy.

"Come on, you know you hate walking." He quirked his eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, you're right." Lucille took a sip of the boys drink.

"Everyone's gonna know he's your brother." Missy teased, "It's gonna be awful for you."

"Tell her to shut up." Georgie groaned.

"She not wrong." George back up his daughter.

"Okay, where'd you hide it." Lucille whispered to the boy beside her with a knowing smirk.

"Hide what?" He played dumb, shoving her head back.

"Come on, where'd you hide the bowtie." She poked him, biting her lower lip.

"I didn't hide the stupid bowtie." She threw him a look, not believing a single word he was spurting, "I didn't I swear!"

"Right, okay. Sure, I believe you." The sarcasm danced on her tongue, as she stalked away from Georgie into the living-room.

"I didn't! Whatever."

Plopping down on the sofa, Lucille toyed with the end of her belt waiting for Mary to catch on. One, two..."George Junior," The mother stomped in, "give me back that bowtie right now!"

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