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It was always a fun time when Mee-maw was babysitting the Coopers

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It was always a fun time when Mee-maw was babysitting the Coopers. That's why, as soon as Lucille got the news she was over in a rush. Now, the girl was stuffing her wintry grin with strawberry ice-cream and washing that down with a cool Dr Pepper. "Ah!" She whelped as the blonde on the TV got stabbed, curling up more into the fleecy blanket.

The suspenseful music mocked the girl, who hid from another jump scare. Front door swinging open, the red-head squealed, fully subsuming herself in blanket, "Mom, we're home!" Mary announced, prancing to the kitchen. Focusing on her breathing and letting her heart go back to its normal pace, she grabbed her treat and went back to the movie. Munching a spoonful, a gag erupted from the back of her throat and her stomach stirred with nausea. Spiting the cream back into the bowl, she rolled onto her side, falling of the sofa. "I ate so much candy!" Missy screeched, running through the house.

"I think I'm gonna throw up." The red-head cried, pushing the adults out of her way to the bathroom. "Okay." The elder woman prepared to leave, "They're all yours." And with a stroke to her daughters face, she was gone. Mary huffed at the mess of children her mother had gifted her to deal with.


"Are you sure?" Luci pressed as her a Georgie strolled down there routine street. Latching arms with him, she petted his denim jacket. "Because, If you really wanted it I could buy it for you. You know my parents give me a hefty allowance as a way to overcompensate for their absence."

"Yes, Luc." He confirmed, pulling her closer to his tepid body. "You are not buying me anything."

"Really? I know you want it. Everyone else has it. You deserve to have it." She insisted, practically bouncing down the path.

"No." The boy finalised, "It's just a stupid game, I don't need it."

"Fine." The ginger drew out, impending to the backdoor of the Cooper home.

"Hey. What's going on?" Georgie puzzled at the sight of his siblings at the table with their Grandma.

"Dad's in the hospital." The little girl blurted bluntly, going back to her food.

"What?" His heart tweaked, "Why's dad in the hospital?"

"He gonna be fine." The woman's reassurance was ghosted by Sheldon's relating, "He had chest pains."

"He's gonna be fine." Mee-maw assured, nodding at the freaked boy.

"What are we doin'? Why aren't we going to the hospital?" He interrogated, his tone getting more and more hostile by the second.

"Nobody's goin' nowhere." Connie denied. "We're just gonna stay calm, have a nice dinner, and wait for your mom to call and tell us what's what."

"I'm not hungry." Georgie declared, storming off to his room.

"Georgie, wait!" The red-head raced after, closing his bedroom door behind her. Perching down beside him, the sorrowful boy shoved his face in to her neck, "Oh, Georgie..." She ached at the sound of his faint sniffles.

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