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"Let's go. Let's go. We're gonna be late." Mary rushed her family, plus Lucille. The red-head didn't think much before chugging her tea, immediately regretting her action. Not only was her tongue sizzling, but swallowing had become a chore.

"Mom, Sheldon's making faces at me." Complained Missy. The mother, going to brush off the sibling behaviour, let her bored eye cruise to her younger son.

"Sheldon!" The woman panicked, bolting to her choking son, "Honey!" She smacked his back, "George, help!"

The dad trampled to the kitchen snatching Sheldon from the chair, "Come here, boy. We got it. We just go to smack it out." Sitting down, George bent his son over his knee, his rough hand coming in contact with Sheldon's young back.

"Sheldon's gonna die!" Missy freaked, really not helping the situation, "Sheldon's gonna die!"

"I heard you on my wireless back in 52'." Luci forced her headphones to her ears, eyes screwed shut, she paced the kitchen. Her mumbled singing distracting her from the stressful commotion, "Lying awake, intent at tuning in on you."

"Here we go. This is how you do it." George Senior flipped the choking boy upside down, daggling him from his feet. "Here we go. And we shake." The man jumped up and down, Sheldon's limp body flopping around.

"Honey!" Mary worried, huffing down the phone, "I'm calling 911."

"Rewritten by machine and new technology." The red-heads singing appeared more like a wail, "And now I understand the problem you can see."

"George, Heimlich!" Mary ordered. Setting Sheldon down, George's hands reached over the boy's stomach. "Don't hurt his little ribs!" Finally, the food released from the minor's throat, "Okay! He's better now! Sheldon! Honey, are you alright?" The lady crouched to her son, "Can you breathe?" She shook him, "Say something!"

"You have to...throw away...that jelly." Sheldon panted, pointing to his chill brother who spread jelly on his toast.


"Remember, the food drive ends Friday." The teacher announced, prancing to a red book, "All canned goods are welcome. But please..." She reached in, pulling out a blank silver can, "Make sure your cans have labels. Needy people have enough problems without having to guess what's for dinner."

Lucille distracted herself, right hand sketching on her best friends' knuckles, left fiddling with his fingers. Georgie allowed it, using his free hand to twirl the ends of her copper locks. The voice of Sheldon shattering their peace, "I'm sorry I'm late. I have a note." He passed a sheet to the teacher.

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