Chapter 7 - Trauma

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Pastry pov

Pastry cookie woke up and realised she didn't set an alarm and the Sisters forgot to wake her up. She looked around and couldn't find her teddy anywhere, strange. Pastry got out of bed and opened the door to her room and walked out in a pajamas. Everything was silent. What time was it? Pastry took a step forward and got kicked onto the ground from behind.

- OW"

- Reverend Mother Cookie, it's time." Shadow Sister..

- Time? For what? Shadow Sister what time is it? Prayers? I-I didn't miss another.."

Before she could ask further she was grabbed by Shadow Sister and dragged into another room. Handcuffs appeared on her wrists and she got put into a chair she was tied to. She tried breaking free but that wasn't possible. Mother cookie stood infront of her and smiled.

- There there my child, it's going to be okay soon."

Pastry's eyes filled with tears and she tried violently breaking free. This can't be happening not so soon..

Pastry looked around and saw the Holy book with all the ancient spells on a wooden table. Shadow Sister started closing all curtains and Pastry took a last look out of the windows. If only she could view the trees for a little longer. If only she could be there beside them, breathing the freshest of air. There right infront of her eyes the curtains opened up. Shortly after Pastry came to realise that this is all in her head. (This is a nightmare)

- Let's start the silencing." Shadow Sister said and Mother cookie grabbed the book and found a page.

- Ofcourse." Mother cookie got ready and was about to open her mouth.

Everything was going wild in Pastry's head. The silencing will not happen, nightmare or reality. She will not let it!

- No." Pastry said and looked straight at Mother cookie.

- What was that?"

- I said no! I will not let myself get silenced just because YOU said so!"

- Pastry cookie! Such manners are unacceptable!"

The handcuffs on her hands disappeared into sparks of light and she stood up from the chair.

- You controlling my life is what is unacceptable. I've lived a lie because of you. I will not let you control me and what I do. I hate you and you're not real, not to me, not anymore!"

Mother cookie faded away and she was left with Shadow Sister.

- I will never be like all of you. Disappear and leave me be! I'm done living in an illusion bubble!"

Shadow Sister was shortly gone aswell and all curtains opened letting light in.
On the ground was the Holy book, Pastry went on her knees and stretched out her hand to touch it. The moment her fingers got close the room started collapsing and she was left with pure darkness. When her eyes opened again she was met with a cake hound on top of her legs. It took Pastry a while to figure out why she was here. She passed out on the stairs, but now she's here..

- Woof woof!" It did a little spin and ran up to her face. It started licking it and she giggled.

- Stop, stop! I'm ticklish!" She screamed and calmed herself down after the cake stopped. It was almost like if it was cute.. what was her actual goal in this world? It wasn't getting rid of cakes! They have feelings.. she can't attack them. The nightmare she made in her head was over, it wasn't real and never will be. She's free from the teachings.

- Cake hound 27, what are you doing?!"

Red Velvet cookie.
The hound turned itself around as a response and whimpered. Red Velvet walked up to the couch and looked at the hound then at her.

- You're awake."

- Yes I am..-"

- Get up, we're going to talk to our leader."

- Dark Enchantress..? She's here?" She didn't know she was going to meet the leader right away.

- Get up." He said and she sat herself up. He really does get straight to the point.

- But I don't understand, I was on the stairs now I'm here."

- That's correct, what is it you don't understand?"

- This.. isn't a trap right?"

He went silent. She should have known.

- I knew it! YOU JUST-" Her mouth was soon covered by the cake hand and she saw him squint his eyes at her while leaning the other hand on her neck.

- What happens to you, isn't up to me. I'm bringing you to our leader herself. Now quiet." His tight grip soon let go and she inhaled some air and breathed it out again. The cake hound once again jumped up to her face and whimpered. It cuddled in her arms.

- ...I understand" She was going to meet the cookie who got reborn, in person. The feeling made her nervous, she could already see herself standing there, shaking. She has to get a hold of herself.

She patted the cake hound on the head and it started wagging its tail.

- 27 is a bit different from the other cakes. More.. playful. Annoying!" The cake hound must have heard him and jumped out of her arms and started barking at him.

- She has a wild personality, to say the least. Almost like you." He said and made eye contact with her which she quickly broke.

- What's that supposed to mean?!" He compared her to a cake hound?! A.. non-monster. (They're not monsters, Pastry.)

- It means that we have to go. 27, get down from the couch." The cake hound didn't get down and instead laid down in the middle of the couch. Pastry saw Velvet shrug and started walking forward and Pastry quickly followed.

Being here wasn't as bad as she imagined, it actually was alright, so far. She didn't have to wake up early and Red Velvet was surprisingly nice. Maybe that's all part of his plan. She peeked at his face but hasn't seen anything more straightforward since her time at the Order. She couldn't tell what he could be thinking about, his face didn't show any emotion. He grew up here, his job must be hard and.. he himself has no ill intentions. Maybe he had some sympathy? He doesn't really express himself.

Suddenly she tripped and closed her eyes tightly prepared to land on the floor any second but felt a pair of hands catch her. Pastry opened her eyes up one by one and lifted her head up to see herself leaned into Red Velvet's chest. Her cheeks felt warm and she immediately wanted to push herself away because of embarrassment.

Pastry Cookie x Red Velvet Cookie - CRK (Mature audience?!) -🎊UNDER WORK🎊-Where stories live. Discover now