Chapter 1

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Beacon Hills seems like a fever dream.

It's been years since she stepped foot in the town. No real reason for her to return. Her family was killed in this town.

Why did she decide to come back?

Laura. That's why. Laura was missing.

Her heart beating faster than usual as she drove past the town sign and past the preserve.

God this place brings back memories. Bad memories.

She pulls up to the house she bought. A small quaint house. One bedroom, one bathroom, a nice backyard.

She stepped out of her car with a sigh. Her boots making noise on the concrete as she walked up to the front door of the house.

"Home sweet Home I guess" she said to herself, not sounding very happy.

She walked back out to her car to begin bringing in boxes of her belonging. The rest would be coming within the next day or so.

Hours later she trekked through the preserve in hopes of finding the remains of the only home she knew.

The Hale House.

She hard rustling of leaves not to far away from her as she stood there in front of the house.

"I know you're there Derek."She said loudly, looking in the direction of the noises.

"What are you doing here Florence? " she heard a voice say as a tall dark haired man in a leather jacket stepped into her view.

"Laura called me a couple weeks ago about a problem in Beacon Hills and how she was coming to check it out. I told her to keep me updated. I hadn't heard back so I'm here to find her and help her. Why are you here?" She responded staring at her nephew she hadn't seen in a year

"Same reason." He said staring at the house meters away.

She nodded her head. Even if it has been a year since she saw him, Derek was the same as he was. Withdrawn, vague. Ever since the fire it's as though he blamed himself for what happened.

After a few minutes of silence, she looked up and saw he was gone. She sighed, hoping he had at least heard what she had said, and turned around making her way back out of the preserve.


Florence walked into Beacon Hills High School to start her first day of teaching.

She walked through the halls filled with teenagers gossiping at their lockers and walked into her classroom.

By the last class of the day she was done hearing about the body in the woods or anything related to that.

Teenagers have a weird fascination with dead bodies and killers.

Her heart began beating faster as she hoped it wasn't Laura.

Her students filed into her classroom and she read over her attendance sheet.

Argent was the first name on the list.

Allison Argent.

Her stomach dropped. What are the chances she is related to that family?

She shook her head and decided not to worry about it, it was probably not them. She had nothing to worry about.



This is my first time really writing a fan fiction, I hope you all enjoy it! 

Please let me know what you think of it! I love Argent and I don't see many fanfics about him. 

Don't worry I won't be changing much in the normal storyline of teen wolf. This starts in Season 1, but kind of skips a few episodes that I didn't feel Florence was relevant in. 

I'm sorry the first chapter is a but short! they will get longer as they go on I promise! Enjoy!

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