Chapter 3

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Florence sighed as she walked through the empty halls of Beacon Hills High, dreading tonight.

Parent Teacher Conferences.

The bane of her existence.... Well actually that's not the bane of her existence but it's really annoying.

Her students file into her classroom as she sits at her desk. As she takes attendance she asks "Has anyone seen Scott McCall or Allison Argent?"

Everyone in the classroom stared at Stiles who has sunk down into his seat.

"Nope." He said lowly, not wanting this extra attention on himself.

This is going to be a long day for Florence.

Florence is walking through the halls during her planning period when she sees a familiar leather jacket.

"Let him go." She says to Derek as he stands close to Jackson. Derek, reluctantly, let's go of the teenage boy, who is darting his eyes between the two Hales.

"Get to class Jackson. I don't want to see you skipping class again." She stated firmly using her "teacher" voice. Jackson nods his head a runs off, looking like a scared puppy.

Florence turns to Derek with a fire in her eyes. "You CANNOT go around scaring and threatening teenagers in school. If you must do it, do it off school ground. That way no one thinks you're a pedophile. Okay?" She said lowly with an angry tone to her voice.

Derek glares at her before nodding and walking off.

It's later that night. Parent teacher conferences are starting soon. Florence looks at her roster.

Argent is the first name.

She knows who is going to be coming in here. She has been nervous all day. It's been 6 years since she has last seen him.

18 since she loved him.

It's a complicated story that Florence does not like telling or thinking about.

To sum it up- Girl meets older boy. Only a 3 year age difference. Girl and Boy partake in a forbidden relationship. Hunter and werewolf. He skips town and doesn't talk to her again. A year later He's married with a baby.

Sounds complicated right?

But it's ancient history.

She sets up the chairs on the other side of her desk when her door opens.

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