Chapter 21

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Florence watches as Allison moves around the house so calmly. Very differently from how she had been acting the past few weeks.

"Is everything okay?" Florence decides to ask

"Hm? Yeah everything is good. I'm not hallucinating anymore. I feel a lot better."

A few days prior, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, Stiles and Scott all found and helped Malia Tate shift back to her human form after being a coyote for 8 years.

"I think landing that shot into Mr. Tate helped. I guess I was so worried I would end up like Kate, hurting those I love, that I got so scared."

"I'm glad you're doing better. I heard from Melissa that Scott seems to be doing better too. I also have heard a certain blonde hair wolf coming in through your window at night"

Allison blushes. "Please don't tell my dad"

Florence chuckles. "I was a teenager once. I won't tell your father, as long as the two of you are being safe."

"Did dad ever climb into your window?"

"No, I lived in a house of werewolves. Everyone would have been on him in seconds. I used to sneak into his room by climbing through the window"

Chris enters the room moments later.

"You used to sneak Florence into your house?"

He turns to Florence, giving her a look. "You told her?"

Florence shrugged her shoulder innocently. "She asked"

The older woman laughed and walked away as Chris tried changing the subject while talking with his daughter.

"Florence?" Melissa says walking inside of the Hale woman's house. Chris was out at work, and Allison was with Lydia.

Florence rushes out of the back of her house. "Thank God. Come with me. Please."

She grabs Melissa's hand and drag her into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

"What's going on? You texted me that it was urgent."

Florence bites her nails before pulling out a box from a cabinet.

Melissa's eyes widen and she gasps. "No"

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