Chapter 6

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As much as Florence wished to stay out of the supernatural issues within the disastrous town of Beacon Hills, she knew she had to help Scott. He's so young and was just throwing into this without warning. As weird as it was, Scott and Stiles would come visit her during the day at school when her classroom is empty and update her on what has been happening or anything they know about.

She just found out before school started, from Stiles bursting into her classroom, that Lydia Martin had been found, and Isaac Lahey had been arrested for murder.

Oh and he is a werewolf now. Turned by Derek. Who she has not spoken to or seen since the night Peter died.

Florence regrets moving back to Beacon Hills.

Her first few classes of the day fly by fast. By the time her first planning period comes up, she feels as though the day has escaped her.

She hears a knock at her door.

"Come in"

The door opens and reveals someone she hoped she would never see again.

Gerard Argent.

"Ms. Hale, My have you grown up since I last saw you. It's been what? 18 years?" He said smirking lightly at the female werewolf.

Florence clenches her fist, feeling her claws come out. "Mr. Argent, what a surprise. How can I help you?

"Oh well I just thought I would come say hello and introduce myself as the new principal of this fine school here."

Florence feels her heart stop. Her stomach dropped and she began to sweat. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot escape this man. He haunts her.

"How wonderful. I look forward to working with you more. Now if you will excuse me, I have some grading I need to get done before my next class." She says tensely, faking a sincere smile, also hoping he would take the hint to leave.

He doesn't.

"Well I think catching up for a few more minutes should be fine. I remember the last time I saw you you were about 19-20 years old right? " He asked

"Yes I believe so. To be honest, my memory is not what it used to be, so much has happened, I'm sure you heard about the fire? How 6 years ago my entire family was killed in a house fire? " She said hinting at the fact that his daughter killed her family.

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