Chapter 4

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Florence groans as she hears the doorbell ring at her home. She knows who it is. The Sheriff.

Derek had informed her of what happened earlier that night when he showed up at her back door covered in his own blood with wounds from the alpha.

He was now wanted for murder. The same charges she had managed to get him out of a couple weeks earlier.

She opened the front door, putting on a confused face as she looked at the Sheriff.

"Sheriff? What's going on?" She asked tilting her head slightly

"Ms. Hale, May i come in for a moment?" He asked her.

Florence moved aside and allowed the Sheriff to walk inside her home.

"Take a seat." She started, pointing at the chair in the living room. "What's going on?" She asked, repeating the same question from before.

"It seems that your nephew Derek Hale has been the one killing people in this town. And tonight, he trapped 5 teenagers in the high school while trying to kill them as well." He said staring at her

She gasped and faked a surprised look on her face. "Oh no! Are they okay?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer to the question.

"Yes, everyone is fine. Have you seen or heard from Derek tonight at all?" He asked hoping she could give him some sort of information

"I'm sorry Sheriff, I haven't really spoken to Derek since I moved back here. Before I saw him a couple weeks ago it had been about a year since I had heard from him. We haven't spoken since I bailed him from jail." She lied with a sad tone to her voice.

"Would it be okay if we just looked around here? Made sure he hasn't tried to come here." The sheriff asked gently.

Florence nodded her head. "Go ahead. Honestly I don't even think he knows where I live in this town." She replied.

She knew where Derek was. He was hiding out in the Hale Vault at the school. She helped patch his wounds up as best as she could before he left, fearing that she would get caught up in this situation.

The Sheriff went outside and get 2 deputies that were waiting for the go ahead to look around the house and property. Unless one of them was a werewolf, which she very much doubts, they would find no trace of Derek here.

It took the Sheriff and his two deputies about an hour to look around her and whole house and property.

"Thank you Ms. Hale. If you hear from him, please let us know." Sheriff Stilinski said as he stood in the doorway of her front door.

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