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     It was another ordinary day in Magnolia and things were peaceful; Well, almost peaceful. The Fairy Tail Guild was full of excitement after we their war with the Alvarez Empire. Everyone looked so happy after their big win that some of the other members are relaxing.


Happy: "Aye, Sir! Best reunion battle ever! Fairy Tail is the best guild ever!"

Lucy: "I can't believe it's been a year now since that day happened."

Gray: "No kidding. Of all our battles we encountered, this has to be 1 of our top 10 most difficult battles yet."

Erza: "Indeed; the challenge we faced was much difficult, but we managed to get through it in the end."

Natsu: "Time to party!"

Happy: "Aye!"

Lucy: "Oh yeah, we needed this!"

Gray: "It's been too long since we've been able to let loose!"

     However, Erza noticed something a bit odd with their Sky Dragon Slayer friend, Wendy Marvell.

Erza: "Wait, what's going on with Wendy?"

     Before they could say anymore, they noticed that Wendy was feeling a little bit down.

Lucy: "Hey, Wendy? Are you okay?"

Wendy: "Huh?"

Carla: "You've been spacing out a lot, lately."

Wendy: "Oh, sorry."

Natsu: "Hey, Little Sis, what's up? You alright?"

Wendy: "Not really."

Gray: "What's wrong, kiddo?"

Wendy: "I'm just feeling a little bit left out from the rest of the group."

Happy: "Left out?"

Erza: "How so?"

     Wendy felt a little bit hesitant to say it, but she took a deep breath and finally told the others why she's so depressed.

Wendy: "I'm the only one who hasn't got a love Interest."

     The gang's faces got totally blank and dumbstruck by what she meant.

All: "Huh?"

     Wendy then explained why she's left out from the rest of her friends.

Wendy: "Well it's just, everyone at the guild has someone that they love sincerely, but I'm the only one who hasn't been in any romantic involvement at all."

Erza: "Well, not everyone has that way all the time. Some just don't find love at all and just prefer to be single."

Wendy: "Maybe, but it's not just my friends. Natsu and Lucy have each other, Gray accepted Juvia, Gajeel married Levy and is about to become a father, even Happy has that Touka girl instead of Carla now. I'm the only one without anybody to love as more than family."

Lucy: "Isn't there anyone here in the Guild that interests you, Wendy?"

Natsu: "What about Romeo? He seems like a good kid."

Wendy: "I don't see him in that way at all, Natsu; He's just a good friend."

Gray: "Hang in there, Kid. I'm sure you'll find love eventually."

Wendy: "Thanks, Gray."

     Just then, Wendy's Best Friend, Chelia Blendy, came through the doors and rushed over to see her.

Chelia: "Hey, Wendy."

Wendy: "Oh, Chelia. Hey, what's up?"

Chelia: "'The Sky Sisters' are asked to perform at a ball in the castle back in Clover City. You wanna try this out?"

Wendy: "Well, normally I don't like being in the spotlight, but I suppose if it's asked, I'm in. Natsu, Erza, can you guys keep an eye on Carla and make sure she doesn't try to embarrass me or Chelia this time?"

Natsu: "Sure thing, Little Sis."

Erza: "We'll make sure she doesn't try anything drastic to disturb you."

Wendy: "Thanks, guys."

Chelia: "Come on, Wendy, the train for Clover City leaves in 30 minutes."

Wendy: "Right; Let's go."

     With those words said, Wendy and Chelia made their way out the door and headed to the train station. However, right when they get halfway through Magnolia, they noticed a big dark-blue vortex that appeared in the air, and it was scaring everybody.

Wendy: "What is that thing!?"

Chelia: "I don't know, but from the looks of it, it seems like it's a bad sign!"

Wendy: "Let's see if we can close it!"

Chelia: "Yeah!"

     They used up as much of their magic as they could in order to keep the vortex from sabotaging the town, but it didn't seem like it was destroying everything. It was after 2 specific targets.

Wendy: "Whoa! Chelia, help me! I'm being sucked in!"

Chelia: "I gotcha, Wendy! Hang on!"

     Chelia pulled Wendy back as much as she could, but the portal was taking her too. Before they could escape, they got sucked in and the vortex disappeared along with them.
To be continued...

💘The Sky Dragon's Fate💘 (KatsuWendy vs ShinWendy Love Triangle Story)Where stories live. Discover now