Chapter 4: Gringotts

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A few hours later, the new family had made it to Gringotts. The arrival didn't exactly go to plan, with Harry being quite distressed from the sudden apparation. He refused to let go of Severus, with Draco being held by his mother.

Walking up to the front goblin, Lucius clears his throat, "Excuse me. I wish to speak with Griphook about conducting a blood adoption".

The goblin looks up, "Ah, Mr. Malfoy. Of course, follow me".  

The family follows the goblin into a room, where they spot Griphook sitting at a desk. The three adults sit on the chairs in front of the desk, Draco moving to sit on Lucius' lap and Harry staying with Severus.

Griphook leans on the desk, "Mr. Malfoy. What can I assist you with today?".

Lucius places his hand on Harry's head, "We would like to officially make Harry here our son, and we were hoping that could be done via blood adoption".

He nods, "I can absolutely get that done for you. Let's see...". He pulls out a piece of parchment paper and a small pin, "...Can you please get two drops of the boy's blood?".

Lucius passes the pin and parchment to Severus, since he would probably be the best person to try and get this done. He grabs one of Harry's fingers, who flinches slightly at the sight of the pin.

Severus bounces him gently, "It's ok, Harry. I'll be very gentle, I promise".

Harry buries his head into Severus' neck as he gently pricks his finger, holding it over the parchment as two drops of blood descend onto the page. As the blood sinks into the parchment, words start filling the page. It was Harry's birth certificate.

Name: Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily J Potter ne Evans (deceased)

Father: James Fleamont Potter (deceased)

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black (imprisoned)

Godmother: Alice Longbottom (deceased)

Magical Guardian: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Severus looks down at the parchment confused as he passes it to Lucius and Narcissa to read. Dumbledore was Harry's guardian? How could he allow Harry to stay with such horrible people?

Griphook turns to the family, "Before we do the official ritual, I just need to know who you will be in relation to Harry here".  

Lucius nods, "So my wife and I will become his parents, Draco will then become his brother. Severus here will be his godfather, since he is already Draco's".

Griphook nods, "Wonderful. Please follow me".

He gets down from his desk chair and leads the family to the middle of the room. He waves his hand and a small cauldron appears floating in front of them. Griphook places the birth certificate inside. Harry leans down in Severus' arms and peaks inside as the parchment turns into a blue liquid.

Griphook looks up, "Harry James Potter. Do you wish to be adopted into this family?".

He looks around at the Malfoys and turns to Severus, who smiles, "Yes".

The liquid in the cauldron starts glowing at the request.

Griphook gestures towards the cauldron, "Mr Malfoy. A drop of your blood, if you will".  

He nods and hands Draco to Narcissa, "With this drop of blood, I, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, will now be known as the father of Harry James Potter".

He grabs the small pin from Griphook and lets a drop of blood fall into the cauldron. The liquid inside changes to a slightly darker blue.

"Mrs Malfoy?".

She hands Draco back to his father and walks up, "I, Narcissa Malfoy, will now be known as the mother of Harry James Potter".

She copies her husband's actions and the liquid turns to a more purple tone. Severus takes his turn, with Harry still in his arms. Draco didn't need to since it was established when his parents gave their blood.  

Griphook points his wand at the cauldron, "I, Griphook, authorise this blood adoption of Harry James Potter to now become Harry James Malfoy, son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, brother of Draco Malfoy and godson of Severus Snape".

The liquid in the cauldron slowly disappears and a piece of parchment was left over. Griphook hands it over to Lucius, who smiles at the words written. It was Harry's new birth certificate. He was now a Malfoy. Finally part of a family.  

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