dating them hc: blckk

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-was eager to announce your relationship

-being opposites aesthetica hes🖤 and you're 💗

-always wants you at his shows

-immediately kisses you when his sets are over

-hes actually such a softie for you no one would've guessed

-really loves getting drunk with you

-defends you when people say dumb shit about you

-you always watch his lives and everyone can tell when you join because he starts smiling hard

-everyone in chats saying hi to you

-"girlfriend reveal? Ok yeah sure if she want to join"

-"why are you guys saying our girlfriend you dont have the qualifications to pull her from me you can try but it wont happen"

-talks about you anytime he get the chance

-having the running joke of saying youre in a poly relationship because chris is "dating" Biv

-gets kinda nervous for you to hear him record just so much yelling

-hes actually clingly towards you no one wouldve took him for the clingly type but you changed him

-constantly is giving you kisses of any sort

-doesnt mind pda he always wants to hold your hand and has you sit on his lap in front of people on occasion

-lets you wear just about any of his hoodies even let you steal one from him

-helping him paint his nails or even goes with you to get your nails done and gets his done as well

-always sends you pictures of butter, you're both pretty sure she likes you more

-hes so much taller than you so he always makes you feel small

-cuddles you any chance he gets he just loves your touch

-never minds helping you takes pictures in fact hes the best at it

-becoming oddly close with Biv since thats his best friend

AN: once again my favoritism shows lmao i promise the next one will be slightly longer as well but i cant help i love  chris/blckk 🖤:)

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