❤🖤it was you🖤❤Lil Darkie

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AN: hehe fufilling Smalldvrkone request <3, disclaimer i have not wrote an actual fic since 2017 bro we winging this shit god speed also this theme/consept always had me in a chokehold since the age of 13 lets get it

Today was the day I was finally gonna see spider gang. I been waiting 3 months for this and the day is finally here! Alex and Justin stayed the night so we didnt have to worry about going to pick eachother up. We all got vip tickets, i spent all day bouncing around with excitement.

It was finally 1pm and we left to make sure we beat traffic. "Oh my god y/n is finally gonna meet the love of her life darkie uwu" Justin said in an uwu voice. "Maybe ill ask him to marry me you know spice up the tour for him." I laughed. "Y/n youre such a baby i dont know how youre even gonna say hi to him you might just throw up." Alex laughed at me. "Look just because youre right doesn't mean you have to speak it." I huffed, i was so nervous my hands were sweating.

30 minutes later we finally arrived to the venue. "WE ARE HERE LETS GOOO!!!" Justin yelled right after we parked. We all got out and i held Alex's hands and started jumping. "This is a very weird version of the zoomies." She laughed "Dont worry y/n everything is gonna go fine lets have some fun!" Justin reassured me.

We met up with a few mutuals and took pictures, i went to the bar and got a drink in hopes it would chill me out. Eventually a guy yelled for us to line up for the meet and greet. Alex immediately found me and dragged me with her. "Its our time y/n, time for you to have your "y/n" moment make him fall in love with you, wait pull your skirt up higher show your ass." I couldnt help but giggle at the adjustments she was trying to make. Fl.vco saw us and our little agustment moment and came over to us. "Whats up ladies hows it going?" I immediately ran towards Max for a hug.

"WAIT I REGONIZE YOU!" Max pointed out, "Y/n!" I jumped up and down at him recognizing me. Me and Alex had done some art and clothing consepts for Max before it filled my heart knowing he remembered us. We eventually went down the row and took a picture with everyone.

Lastly we finally got to Darkie,i squeezed Alex's hand tightly and she led the way. "Hey you two hows it going!" Darkie smiled at us "Hello we're doing great!" Alex excitedly yelled. Darkie smiled at me and looked me up and down i blushed (he peepin that ass😫) "Sorry shes pretty shy." Alex said about me. "Dont worry how about a hug?" Darkie hugged me and we ended up taking pictures

 "Dont worry how about a hug?" Darkie hugged me and we ended up taking pictures

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He looked me in my eyes for a bit and i was overflowed with embarrassment in a good way

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He looked me in my eyes for a bit and i was overflowed with embarrassment in a good way. "Haha thank you so much!" I giggled he held me and looked at me again a second before we left. "I hope you guys enjoy the show!" He said as we walked away

"JUSTIN LOOK Y/N GOT THE CUTTEST FUCKING PICTURES WITH DARKIE!!!!" Alex yelled and ran up to Justin. "Oh wow y/n he looks like he wants to fuck you." I blushed at Justin's statement. "There are possible children around quite!" "Are you aware what show and music we're at right now, i dont think its something new or something they would care about."

Finally the show started and we got barricade, Justin had his time in the pit and me and Alex stayed at the front. Throughout the show Darkie kept looking at me here and there, i didnt really think anything of it until he pointed at me.

The show was over and god did we have such a lovely time. We stayed in the venu a bit longer to talk to other friends and take pictures. I was a little overwhelmed so i walked away from the group for a minute. From the corner of my eye i saw Darkie come up. "Hey did you enjoy the show?" I perked up "Yeah i did it was great you were great!!" Little taken back he approached me. "Thank you im so happy to hear that, so i was talking to Max you do like art and clothing shit right? He showed me i think was your stuff." He asked "Yeah I do my friend Alex does the art i do the clothing!" Now i was also taken back he would ask me this. "Ok cool yeah i really liked your stuff i was wondering if i could get your number to stay in touch fo like you know that type of stuff." He stumbled over his words. I got excited and said yes, we gave eachother our phones and put our numbers in. "Alright cool have a safe and good rest of your night!" He said, he hugged be bye and kissed my forhead.

"Oh hello what just happned over here?" Justin asked and came with Alex. "Um i think i just had my "y/n" moment?" I questioned "Alright girly you can tell us on the way home!"

AN: ayo how we feeling about this cus honestly? Not to suck my own dick but i think im doing pretty good so far wonder where will this be going👁👄👁 until next time

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