Chapter 1

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"Blimey! Harry, I've got to go, I have work. Have you applied to any Hospitals yet?" Draco fumbled with his phone when he received a notification about a new workmate. Normally by now, Julian would've already been at the office so the text asked Julian to come over so he could introduce his new colleague before any other problem arises.

"Nope, not yet. Still opting. Go on then, don't be late, see you later. Be careful, I don't want you hurt again," Harry caressed Julian's cheeks. Julian leaned in to the warmth but broke it. "See you later." Julian bid goodbye and ran off.

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Julian slowly opened the door to his office, earning a creak of the door in return. He slips in to see his new workmate and his captain who said some words before leaving him with the new kid. "Julian Tom Albert..." The kid read out Julian's name plate on his desk. He nestled into his own chair and started on the zip-locked evidence his captain just handed.

Julian didn't speak to him. Forgot about him, actually, until he spoke again. "Um, I've never seen you before when I was here. You have worked here for over a year now?" Julian set his pen down and crossed his hands on the table. "Yes. What is it to you whether you've seen me or not?" Julian stared at the kid. He was not much younger than Julian but still. "Name?" Julian picked up his pen again.

"Barry Allen. I've worked here as much as you did but never saw you. How?"

"Just focus on what you need to do," Julian rolled his eyes. Sure he wasn't an intern?

Julian was an intern Healer before, knew the basics, but he was not this foolish to talk about other things than actually working.
. For the next few weeks with Barry (this is the Muggle World, so first names, people!), Julian was annoyed with Barry's constantly being late and leaving whenever he wanted. In the end, most of the time, leaving Julian to finish up the 'mess' Barry left unfinished.

One day however, Barry showed up when work shift was over. Julian was packing up his things, excited to be seeing Harry later. "Julian!" Barry called. Julian looked up from his packing. Julian had a slight headache already, what did Barry want now? "What is it?" Julian hissed.

"Julian, we need to talk."

"Work related?"


"Goodbye." Julian really left. He could sense Barry's absurd facial expression on. This was how Julian felt every other day.

A taste of your own medicine.

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