Chapter Four

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March 1944

My dear Garrett,

I hope all is well with you. It's been a long time since you've visited us, and Astrea is beginning to suffer from your absence more and more. To be very honest with you, she is even starting to worry me. She has strange nightmares that she won't tell anyone about, and she wakes up screaming your name. I haven't told her our secret but she's asking more and more questions. I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell her the truth soon, even though I'm not thrilled with the idea. But there is something else. Ever since she was a teenager, I've smelled her blood changing, as if she were no longer completely human. Edward noticed it too and I guess it's the mixture of your two bloods that we made so long ago, which is strange to say the least.

Come back as soon as possible, I'd like to get to the bottom of this.

Yours truly,

Carlisle Cullen.

Garrett put the letter back in his pocket, and looked up at the Cullen house. Why was he so surprised ? It was obvious that Carlisle would figure something out eventually. Since he had left, he had not stopped thinking about Astrea once. He knew today that the little girl who had followed him everywhere was far away now. Now she had grown up and was approaching 27. He was afraid. Afraid of who he was going to discover behind that door. If Astrea was having nightmares, it was his fault. She had to see his prey when he was hunting for food. But why was he so sure ? He had never felt what Astrea saw or felt herself... However, whatever it was, it explained the fact that she was asking Carlisle more questions about their origins. He sighed. He didn't really have a choice anyway. His friend's concern was understandable. However, apart from informing the young woman, he did not see other possible solutions.

He thus moved with slow step towards the house. Carlisle was waiting for him so impatiently that Garrett didn't even have time to ring the doorbell when the doctor opened it. He invited him in with a warm smile that betrayed a concern that had surely not left him for a few days.

- Garrett ! Thank you for being so quick. I thought you wouldn't get here until next week.

- You were lucky, I was planning to come back this way, so your letter made me decide to move sooner than I expected, that's all.

At the mention of the letter, Carlisle frowned. He opened his mouth to add something when a voice from the living room interrupted him.

- Garrett ?

Before he could make a move, Astrea ran into his arms. Instinctively, he hugged her, breathing in her scent. She had grown since his last visit, and was almost up to his shoulder. The eyes half closed, he let himself go to this unexpected hug. He had missed her, much more than he could have ever imagined.


Astrea Cullen

Garrett had finally arrived ! I was so happy that I had forgotten all politeness. It wasn't until I heard my father's semi-irritated throat clearing, that I realized I may have gone a little far by going to throw myself into Garrett's arms right away. A little embarrassed, we separated, but when I met his eyes, I knew he was happy to have me back.

- You've grown up a lot, kid.

I returned his smile.

- It's been so long since you've been home ! I remember, I was just seventeen when you were here last time.

- Yes, it was your birthday when I came. I remember that. But you've changed a lot since then.

His remark made me frown. He, on the other hand, hadn't changed a bit. As if he hadn't aged...

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